Watering with beer??

your an idiot

LOL!!!!! I hope you did that on purpose. It's you're not your.

you're = you are
your = your

like "hey where is your drink?" Shows possession.

"hey where is you're drink" = hey where is you are drink? Doesn't make sense.

Enough with the English lesson, just think twice before you decide to call someone an idiot, idiot.
LOL!!!!! I hope you did that on purpose. It's you're not your.

you're = you are
your = your

like "hey where is your drink?" Shows possession.

"hey where is you're drink" = hey where is you are drink? Doesn't make sense.

Enough with the English lesson, just think twice before you decide to call someone an idiot, idiot.

is lol grammatically correct, you idiot
the only thing i heard of that works is blackstrap molasses...it promotes beneficial microbial activity around the roots, which many people claim brings out the full scent and flavor of the finished product.