watering tips!


Active Member
I have 12 ak47 in 30ltr pots in a 2.4 x 1.2 x 2m grow tent all have been veg'd for four weeks and are about the size shown in the picture, how many ltrs of water would you typically feed a plant in a 30 ltr pot? atm they are receiving 2 ltrs each everytime the soil starts to dry out, I was just wondering is this enough to achieve optimum yields and really get the most out of these bitches.... and also do you think I will have enough space?? the plant in the pic is now in the 3rd day of flower

I also have 5 ak47 in the 6th week of flower in 15 ltr pots and I have only gave those ones 1 ltr each and the kolas aren't packin on as much weight as I would like, I am hoping to get sum phat juicy kolas off these 12 any advice will be greatly appreciated!!


If you have good drainage just water the whole top of the soil until you see about 20 % runoff. Think of it this way. Outdoors in nature flowers cant really choose how much water (rain) it will receive. as long as theres no water build up at the bottom of your pots, This will lead to Drowning Roots !


Active Member
I don't have any saucers under the big pots I just water and it drains on to the bottom of the tent and I soak it up with a towl, the pots are pretty much touching at the tops as it is, im maxed out for space. do you think this will be an issue ? I didn't think the saucers would matter aslong as my soil didn't dry out. these new pots have drainage holes on the sides and the bottom just nothing to collect the drainage loool
Lol, my pots have the drainage holes on the sides and what i do is get stove pans like the ones you cook eggs etc on and put the pot in that so when i water it will collect in that and also they have a handle so i can pick it up carefully without dropping or spilling then pour runoff water in sink, Repeat till no more runoff :D

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Like the above poster (white widow smoke)said,20% runoff. When you provide ample water/nute mix you force new fresh air in and all the old stuff out. There is no set amount of water per pot size.
Probably not a good idea to just water in your tent and sop it up with a towel. You are setting yourself up for mold,mildew,and extra humidity that you don't need. I take mine out of tent and put them In the bathtub on top of crates. Water until I'm happy with the amount of runoff,let drain and put back in. Sure it's labor intensive but it works well for me.

That's my 2cents



Well-Known Member
Polo is correct, remove your babes for a weekly bath soak well allow 2-3 hours to drain out, but the rest of the week in the grow room, I give them minimal amounts, water rationing is a very personal thing with many growers but the old adage of lifting twice to feel the weight then water once still works well.

Avoid at all costs of allowing plants to sit in water!

I find plants in veg drink more, than in bud, confirming cellulose material(growth) needs more water, cola size is more the relationship between the actual strain and the plants growing condition not the amount of water it sits in.. as a note see the Italian ezy tub,(blue) makes an ideal grow pot, I've just done 4 plants in a 10 us gall(40 liter) pot with great success


Active Member
Polo is correct, remove your babes for a weekly bath soak well allow 2-3 hours to drain out, but the rest of the week in the grow room, I give them minimal amounts, water rationing is a very personal thing with many growers but the old adage of lifting twice to feel the weight then water once still works well.

Avoid at all costs of allowing plants to sit in water!

I find plants in veg drink more, than in bud, confirming cellulose material(growth) needs more water, cola size is more the relationship between the actual strain and the plants growing condition not the amount of water it sits in.. as a note see the Italian ezy tub,(blue) makes an ideal grow pot, I've just done 4 plants in a 10 us gall(40 liter) pot with great success

what strain did you do? how long did you veg ? and how big was your space m8?


Active Member
like I say I have 12 in 30s(that is one in the original pic) in a 2.4 x 1.2 x 2m tent In week one of flower I am worried about space? I am using 2 600w hps but I also have 5 plants in week 6 in there aswell (the second pic) so I am crammed for space until the ones in late flower have finished, the 12 are clones and the 5 in late flower where there mothers


Well-Known Member
The area for an indoor grow I use is ...1x 600 watt does 9 plants in 15 litre pots to three feet(1 cubic yard or meter) in 3 months, including 1 month veg, I guess everyone else does a variation on that too, naturally, .. light size(watts) also has a bearing 400 watt, would be the same but take perhaps 2 weeks longer, a 1Kw light could do the same but instead of being 2 weeks earlier could increase the canopy to include another 4-5 plants, again these are open variables


Active Member
I'm not sure if this would work for 30 liter as I've never used that large of containers but usually I water 1 liter of water per gallon of soil. So in my 3 gal containers I usually water 3 liters every 3 days through veg and flower. I also use this rule on my 1 gallon pots I put my clones in.