watering time again.


Well-Known Member
if using tap water to water plants in pots turns them yellow, will using tap water to water plants in the ground have the same effect? from what i know, the reason it doesn't do good in pots is because it stays there and locks out nutrience. im just trying to save money on distilled water two times a week.


Well-Known Member
i've never had any problems with tap water outside in the ground, but using in in hydro is a mistake.


Well-Known Member
tap water has never been a problem. If your leaves are turning yellow then it might be because of lack of nitrogen or improper pH. Do you know what the tap water pH is?


Well-Known Member
tap water has never been a problem. If your leaves are turning yellow then it might be because of lack of nitrogen or improper pH. Do you know what the tap water pH is?
just tested tha tap water and it came out to 7.6! damn! i aint gonna use that!


Well-Known Member
just adjust the pH, my tapwater comes out 8+, I lower it to 6.5 with some vinegar and use it on my plants. They are doing just fine!