Watering solution while you are away. *pix*


Active Member
I've come across several threads where people are asking about watering while they are away. This same problem pertains to me as well as I will be leaving for 2 weeks soon. I didn't wanna spend a lot on commercial systems and I don't like drip systems.

This system might work for you, it might not. You might think it's stupid, you might not. Either way, I am posting this to maybe help someone out or give some one a basic idea on which to build a more suited system for the individual needs. The following is What I used. Taylor it to your needs, change what you need to.

Simplicity is the key to this and this is what you need:

1) 1/2 inch PVC pipe (how long depends on your needs)
2) 90 degree elbows, end caps and the "+" shaped pvc fitting. (again, according to your needs, you might need more or less or just a T instead of a +"
3) water pump (I am using a 370gph pump, you can use a higher gph rating if you need more, it's all about your needs)
4) aquarium hose for the pump (the clear hose, i'm usin a 3/4" hose)
5) water container (i use a 32 gallon garbage bin i bought from walmart)
6) EZ clone sprayers
7) PVC cutters and PVC cement
8 ) TIMER (the timer i bought is fantastic, I can program it for every day of the week, up to 8 settings per day, minimum on time of 1 minute. Got it from amazon for 17 bux)
9) tape measure
10) drill with 11/64 bit

First off, find out the layout of your pots in your room or tent or whatever.

This is my layout:


so my design is this:


This is what it looks like when it's done:

sprayer 2.jpg

Now all you have to do, is slide it over your plants with the sprayers pointing down. Attach your aquarium hose to it and attach the other end to the pump and place your pump in your water container. Program your timer to your needs and set it and forget it.

I tested it out and it ran beautifully, Plants were dry and I let the system go for 1 minute and by the time it stopped, I had a little water running out the bottom and even water absorbtion.

I did my math and with this set up, the system pumps 2.7 gallons / minute or 0.15 gallons/minute/spray head or 9GPH/spray head. (if you want less add only 1 sprayer per plant or reduce your pump's flow by using the flow attachement that comes with them). So with a 32 gallon container, I can run this system daily and it will last 11 days (11.8 technically). For my needs, setting my timer ever other day for one minute, is all I need so the 32 gallon container is perfect.

Not only is this going to be used when I'm away, but I will use it all the time even when I'm home because it's convenient and I dont have to reach in and get all tangled up.

Some other ideas:
You can add a lot to this sytem. For example, You can place ball valves after every 2 sprayers, that way, if you ever take 1 pot out, you can simply turn the ball valve and not have water coming out of the 2 sprayers.

You can have 2 containers, one with nutes and one with fresh water with 1 pump in each connected together with a T and a 1 way flow valve in the hoses. That way you can program one spraying of water and one spraying of nutes.

So there you go. Hopefully this will help some1 or give someone a base to build on.

If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer.
Take care and be safe