Watering Soil


5 Gal pots....Root organic soil.... Technaflor fert...... How often water and how often do I fertalize????????? and if you know what a good sweetner is,,,Im open to ideas.... thanks


Active Member
depends...if the soil is dry a couple inches down give em some water..

its been about everyother day for me lately...and i use nutes everytime i water


So It has been a while since I started this thread and I now know the answer to my own question, more precisley then just "Stick your finger in it"....which is not a bad method and it works. You add 1qt of water for every 1gal of soil.. i.e.-a 1 gal pot would get 1qt water. now that is for feeding w/ fertilizer...when just watering (flushing, makin it rain, etc.) you go ahead and just water till you get a good 15-20% leaching from the bottom of the pot. I reccomend a thread called "Makin it rain" to perfect your feeding and watering technique. I feed then water feed then water...You will learn more and know when it is ok to add a little more nutes but this is a solid style to start out with.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the thread "Makin it rain".

However, it overcomplicated a simple procedure.

People overcomplicate watering too much.