Watering Question


Active Member
How much water should be used in a week? I usually poke my finger on the side of the pot, and if it's not damp, I water it... Should I be using a spray bottle instead or what?


Well-Known Member
Large plants use more water then small plants, but there are many more variables then size that dictate a plants water consumption. The age of the plant, container size, grow medium, temperature, humidity, and ventilation all contribute to water needs. Change any one of these variables, and the water consumption will change. Good ventilation is essential to promote a free flow of fluids, transpiration, and rapid growth. The healthier a plant, the faster it grows and the more water it needs.


Active Member
Well, it seems to be sucking up a lot of water! Should I use a spray bottle, or continue to use a cup of spring water that I let sit out for a day or two, then use?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Thoroughly water as often as needed.. Only water when the soil is dry or FORBID... the plant is drooping..

A plant in a 3-5 gallon container will need a 1/2 to 1 gallon watering every 3-10 days.. depending on plant size and temperature...

soak.. then dry.. soak.. then dry... :)