WATERING QUESTION (What % of container size)

25%-30% of your container volume and be sure to top your medium in your container off. Do this as the grow progresses and the medium begins degrading naturally. This for peat based mediums. It doesn't hurt anything to add a drop or two of liquid soap in your feeds. Acts as a wetting agent. Breaks the surface tension of the medium and allows better absorption.
Last grow (with Black Gold Organic) in 5g bags I couldn't pour more than a gallon without getting runoff. I'm now using Pro-Mix HP+ in 5g bags...and it's 1.5g before I get anything out the bottom. I aim for the higher side of 20% runoff. Also, the Pro-Mix takes way longer to get the water through the soil...which tells me it's soaking better.

And...after the last feed/water (Sunday)...my 5g bags are now taking 2.5g of water each to get to 20% or so run-off. The plants are in that 'transition week where they're just growing (an inch to two inches a day), and they're just drinking up water. Though it's good to know that the ProMix can hold a bunch of water but still remain loose and fluffy. I didn't top the soil tonight, but I've been doing that once a week too.