Watering question: I can't find the answer


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If you are only growing a few plants then it is always a good idea to water the plant in the bath.If you have a shower even better has long has the ph is ok then you can just flush the plants straight from the shower head.Then wait for about harf hour by this time most of the excess water will have run off.If you can't get hold of a decent size tray then use a cat litter tray for one plant if you are flowering quite big if you are flowering small and the pots are not that big then you may get more than one in each tray.Then the next day you can take the tray and the plant to the toilet or bath and emty any excess water in the bottom or leave it if you want the humidity to become a little higher........tyke.................................
Thats a pretty good system for those mobile grows - but for those of us that use SCROG or a variation there of, it is not practical. And I'm not sure I'd want to be lugging buckets of dirt dripping muddy water through the house with the little woman present, she'd kick my ass for making a mess like that. :hump:


Well-Known Member
lol, 1. he was quoting someones sig. 2. that sig is a cover, like i said b4, i dont actually ever smoke or grow pot,in fact I cant stand the stuff. im just here cuz i like to roleplay........thats my story and im sticking to it.


Thank you Dark Destruction. I am new to this internet stuff and was wondering what I was getting into after reading the "signature"....lol. Its all very clear ...I mean for now. Puff puff


Active Member
I think you need to understand the reasons for drainage, Then in the end it will make it much more simple. Your roots need to breathe a lot of air. People underestimate this all the time. They need both the water to be aerated somehow and when they are not absorbing nutrients they must have a flow of air on them. Thats the real reason people have such success on Hydro based systems, it's the mediums ability to stay moist yet provide air to the roots. Yes your dirt pots need to drain, but just as importantly you better put something in there that drains well, but holds a tiny bit of air, and water. Vermiculite, or perlite are great. 30% mix with your soil. Air on the roots is such a huge factor, and sometimes it's forgotten, and even misdiagnosed as a different malign on a plant.


Well-Known Member
i buy pots that have a place for the run off. most pot will have some thing to go with it to catch the water. either built on or comes with. i buy self feeding pots and they work for me.