watering plants with coffee?


New Member
I've feed once with tea I want organic, I want to know when to cut and drop and hang. We can chop up all day, Jah tells me go wit heart, but do I trust my gut, or listen to everyone. I'm science but I look at what these girls tell me. Afghani hash and peanutbutter on the left. My basement stinks week 8 over flower on sunday
Saying jah tells and saying you listen to your gut is literally the same thing


Well-Known Member
See that’s like using coffee grounds. They both provide nitrogen but using coffee already made provides more mag and potassium
I agree coffee has nutrients, so this isn't really bro-science. If you use coffee that hasn't been brewed it will contain higher levels of Mg and K than the used coffee grounds, because they're more soluble probably. Just my thinking, but it makes sense to me.

Same with urine. It's not really bro-science.

I don't use either though in my grows. It's fun talking shit about it though.


Well-Known Member
I just read a column that coffee is actually a good source of nutrients for plants. In moderation of course as it's very acidic. You'd want to dilute it (a cup of coffee) in a gallon of water before use.