Watering my plants


Well-Known Member
so I"m not really sure how I"m suppose to be watering my plants, I want to know what the temperature of the water should I"m using to water them should be at? how much I"m suppose to water them, and how often, they're are in soil, with perlite and the water flows right through and out the bottom so the water doesn't settle in the pot. If someone can help me, I'll post pictures. Let me know :). ::snap::


Active Member
my formula is 100 ml water for 8lt pot every day . in the flowering stage 150 ml water every second day . letting soils surface to dry 3 4 cm deep . but dont well if it is right :)


Well-Known Member
dude this is answered so many times, do a search on it and u will find all the answers u need, and water should be at room temp


Well-Known Member
Water when the dirt feels and looks dry an inch from the surface. Water no more often than that. If the pot has holes in the bottom water until it starts coming out the holes then you are good. You don't have to worry about giving it TOO MUCH AT ONCE, it is about how OFTEN you water the plant.