watering issue


The place im growing is hard to get water to. There is a creek kind of close around 100 yards away. Ive seen people using the black flexible pipe to transfer the water to the site but the site is uphill from the creek. Is there any way i could still get this system to work in my favor. If not is there anyway to keep my plants moist so i dont have to truck water down to them everyday? Ive seen people putting hay around them but feel like this will keep them to moist and set them up for things like root rot.


Well-Known Member
Can't fight Gravity bro... You will have to truck it up sorry lol I would use gay or leaves. Where I grow outdoors the ground is always moist/ wet. That extra layer of hay will hold water for those times of drought.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
5 gallon buckets with holes drilled underneath. ..water them and leave the buckets filled should buy u a few days!..u still gotta bring the water up...just not everyday. ...