Watering and waste solutions. Any input appreciated!


Well-Known Member
So it’s getting close to time to upgrade my watering method. I’m re potting into 7 gallon pots this week and training to put up nets in my 6x6. Up until now I had less than it took to fill the room so I was watering with gallon jugs of distilled water from the grocery store, but shits getting too thick for that.

My plan is loose and I am open for any suggestions, especially on equipment. I plan to get two large dog crate trays to replace the individual trays I have for the runoff so I don’t have to climb around under the net. I don’t like the tray at the hydro store because it is too deep and expensive. I also plan to hook up a small pump to a small hose to a big tub where I will mix nutrients and use a watering wand or a stick taped to the tube to reach the pots in the back.
If I water with the tube and stick how can I cut off the flow and maintain pressure from the pump? Some kind of valve? What kind of pump should I get? Can anyone reccomend a good ro that comes with a faucet and will get me at least 20 gallons in a day? Thanks for your help. This is a big step up from the last grow and figuring out logistics as I go is fun but somewhat stressful.
If I water with the tube and stick how can I cut off the flow
Most watering wands I have used will have a valve on them that you squeeze to let water flow. When the water can't flow the pump struggles so it's best not to run the pump much when you are not letting the water flow but for a few seconds while you move to another plant it's fine and hasn't messed up my pump. I think the pump I use is around 500 GPH mag drive, I just installed it in a 30 gallon drum where I can mix the nutes.

I like WECO filters personally, they make good ones. Any cheap RO filter should work, the key to getting production is water pressure, you will produce water much much faster at 60 PSI than you do at 40 PSI so a booster pump may be required.

Since it takes a while to produce say 30 gallons, using a float valve on your mix tank will stop the RO filter when the drum is full. Then you can turn off the supply and add nutes. Once you have used it all up, refill and repeat.

I prefer a bucket in a bucket setup for my plants, this keeps all runoff contained so it won't increase RH% and become a breeding place for fungus gnats. Top bucket has a munch of small 1/4 - 3/8" holes in the bottom, put the soil and plant in that bucket, it sets in another bucket that has a hole drilled in the side at the bottom where a grommet and barbed fitting (3/4" or 1") supports connection of tubing that carries the water to a floor drain.
You can make an auto feeder for not a lot of money maybe 20/30 bucks for a pump, manifold, tubing and a few T or X pieces.

My pots sit in slightly elevated trays the run off goes to the bottom of the trays then gets pulled/lifted out by a piece of capillary mating.

I use a net/screen hence the reason I've arrived at the above, the only thing I need to do is open the tent and empty the jug of run off.
So it’s getting close to time to upgrade my watering method. I’m re potting into 7 gallon pots this week and training to put up nets in my 6x6. Up until now I had less than it took to fill the room so I was watering with gallon jugs of distilled water from the grocery store, but shits getting too thick for that.

My plan is loose and I am open for any suggestions, especially on equipment. I plan to get two large dog crate trays to replace the individual trays I have for the runoff so I don’t have to climb around under the net. I don’t like the tray at the hydro store because it is too deep and expensive. I also plan to hook up a small pump to a small hose to a big tub where I will mix nutrients and use a watering wand or a stick taped to the tube to reach the pots in the back.
If I water with the tube and stick how can I cut off the flow and maintain pressure from the pump? Some kind of valve? What kind of pump should I get? Can anyone reccomend a good ro that comes with a faucet and will get me at least 20 gallons in a day? Thanks for your help. This is a big step up from the last grow and figuring out logistics as I go is fun but somewhat stressful.
What is your tap water like? Did you look at your utility’s analysis?
What is your tap water like? Did you look at your utility’s analysis?
No town water in my tiny little town. I’m on a shitty well, and as far as testing, my porcelain throne has rust in the tank. Pretty sure that won’t be good for the girls... thanks for the help guys, can’t wait to get this going!
No town water in my tiny little town. I’m on a shitty well, and as far as testing, my porcelain throne has rust in the tank. Pretty sure that won’t be good for the girls... thanks for the help guys, can’t wait to get this going!
The rust is probably of no consequence.
I was interested in levels of Na, K. Ca, Mg, Cl- and sulfate. You might want to buy an analysis.
I got one those faucet portable ro filters. I don't think it'll work. Mine is 125 gpd type but here I get like a 5gallon bucket full in 2 hours. Not enough pressure I guess but I do get 005 ppm out of it. That double bucket idea man why didn't I think of that. Peace guys happy new years.
I do aquaponics. So I have fish tanks. The town water melts the plants in my tanks so I turned to rain water.
Made all the difference. I even saw my Mary Jane start to grow better.