Waterfarm setup


Well-Known Member
hey man here it is,the most asked question is what are those at the end inside the buckets ? its a threaded piece of pvc that go's to the -t- to the inside of the bucket the inside piece is just a cap thats been drilled out or you can use and open end of pvc thats usually the same thread as your pvc and its bigger on 1 end so it lets the water circulate faster. it souds confusing but its so simple please ask questions its kinda hard to tell you everything.



Active Member
did u buy all your fittings from home depot? what are those tubes running towards the top of the buckets. do you have to put airstones in your buckets? So the pvc runs to the bottom of each bucket and back to the res? so does the water just sit in each bucket 24/7 and is recirculated by the res? sorry bro i get most of it but im a little confused. Great cd by the way!


Active Member
i know what im about to say might be a pain and u might not have the time but if you could explain how your whole system works word for word that would be really helpful. Again sorry for the request but i gotta ask


Well-Known Member
no!my system is better,than an ebb and flow. sorry I took so long to answer your queastion,the blue tubes on the top, pump the nutrient to each bucket making a water fall effect and the pvc on the bottom keeps it coming back too the main res continiously.there is no need for airstones in each bucket I just put one airstone in the main res.your system will stay cleaner longer than the origanal waterfarm.and yes everything was purchesed at lowes.theres only 2 things you should get from hydro store.the 1/2 inch tubing and the bucket inserts.you want the dark tubing so no light is penetrating threw to start mold and its just as cheap in hydro store.you may find darker hose at lowes.you only need about 10' and if im not mistaken that plastic company I gave you might have the bucket inserts.it sounds like a lot of shit but its worth having a better system cheaper.way better.this system makes it so you dont habe to have airstones and foggers all those do is oxegenate your water, with this system every thing is constantly moving. now to set your water level build your pipes and tap your pvc too your buckets and then fill main res to the point of the individual bucket insert is touching.right to the bottom of the insert.then thats were you put your float in the main res. the float keeps things from over flowing and you know howe much nutrient to put inn. in the wfarm system your nutes just sit there never moving back to the res.Im trying to tell you everything,so forgive me if I miss something.and know problem ask away with questions,its easier this way dont get fustrated just think about it for a while ,just look at the pictures and ask questions that what we are here for.


Active Member
no!my system is better,than an ebb and flow. sorry I took so long to answer your queastion,the blue tubes on the top, pump the nutrient to each bucket making a water fall effect and the pvc on the bottom keeps it coming back too the main res continiously.there is no need for airstones in each bucket I just put one airstone in the main res.your system will stay cleaner longer than the origanal waterfarm.and yes everything was purchesed at lowes.theres only 2 things you should get from hydro store.the 1/2 inch tubing and the bucket inserts.you want the dark tubing so no light is penetrating threw to start mold and its just as cheap in hydro store.you may find darker hose at lowes.you only need about 10' and if im not mistaken that plastic company I gave you might have the bucket inserts.it sounds like a lot of shit but its worth having a better system cheaper.way better.this system makes it so you dont habe to have airstones and foggers all those do is oxegenate your water, with this system every thing is constantly moving. now to set your water level build your pipes and tap your pvc too your buckets and then fill main res to the point of the individual bucket insert is touching.right to the bottom of the insert.then thats were you put your float in the main res. the float keeps things from over flowing and you know howe much nutrient to put inn. in the wfarm system your nutes just sit there never moving back to the res.Im trying to tell you everything,so forgive me if I miss something.and know problem ask away with questions,its easier this way dont get fustrated just think about it for a while ,just look at the pictures and ask questions that what we are here for.
(then thats were you put your float in the main res. the float keeps things from over flowing) what do u mean by this?? whats a float and where do i get it? how often do you change your water in the res? and when you do, do you also have to change out each bucket w/ fresh water? do u put the nutes directly into the buckets or into the main res? how much did this cost you and how time consuming??
I appreciate all your help PH2.


Well-Known Member
your main thing is going to be getting the buckets sealed so they dont leak.al the pipe is 3/4 you can go 1" if you want the bigger the pipe the better the return.I went with 3/4 becuase I wanted washers on both sides of the bucket. the washers are located in the compartment were they have the pull out drawers were washers go and hose washers wont work to small for 3/4 pipe.they have big rubber washers in those pull out drawers.get your piece of pipe take over too the drawers and slide your washer over to see if it fits over your threaded piece that goes to each individual bucket. I made a six pack as you can see,instead of an 8 pack I made two 6 packs one for veg and one for flower. when you have the regular waterfarm you will have to change the water in the farm every couple of days ,its a bitch. this will last a week easy. and your plants will grow thicker stems from the nutrient constantly passing buy your roots. fresh water constantly,they love it. the pump in the main res pumps to the tea barb to split to each side of the system the pump stays on continously,it does not hurt it.I have mine now for 2 years always going .I bought at lowes in garden section for $38. thats the only pump you need .done! so 8 bukets 3/4 pvc a 10 foot stick to be safe,pvc glue, Tbarbs for blue tubing going to the top of the buckets. another thing theres washers that the black t-barbs slide into after you drill your holes at the top.get those at the hydro store they sale them at lowes but the ones at the hydro store are way better just tell them you have a waterfarm and you need the bushings at the bottom.I think its like $3 dollars for 10 bushings but you will be mounting the blue hose at the topi nstead of the bottom.same size as theres.thats allthe material you need so 3 things from hydro store t-barb bushings and 1/2 hose .the floats are cheap and im trying to think of anything else.please ask questiond so I dont have to type so much .I need a hit.


Well-Known Member
I think it cost me 150 bucks total. and thats whats killer just pour your nutrient in the main res and it will fills every bucket up buy itself.it will rush threw your bottom pips first just because there bigger at the bottom,once each bucket is filled the pump will pump nutrient to the top of each bucket continously.IT seem over welming but its not your just trying to put evrything in your head . I was the same way and now I look back you think its really simple.just keep asking questions no worries this is what I did.everybody that has a water farm eventually does this.unless you want to do like I did and spend the 300$ and turn around and throw your hole system out just to spend another 150 and build another one. I have a bran new system just sitting there because mine smokes it. ask away bro


Well-Known Member
UcantCatchme if your interested I can take more pictures later. me and the wife are fighting over the computer heheheh. I see what your saying you really cant see the blue tube at the top.just keep asking questions I had hundreds ,when I was trying to figure it out.


Active Member
So what exactly is the float? What does it do? And is it in any of the pics you posted? sorry for sounding like a dum ass but i wanna get this right.


Active Member
also what size resevoir did you use? did u get it from usplaticco.com? and how does the water pump pump the nutes in and the water into the buckets if its not connected to anything and just sits there in the bucket.(probally dumb question). i know in my ebb it sits in my res but its connected to the ebb fittings in my tray. idk i need a hit. be back on in a few.


Well-Known Member
the second pick has the float its the white thing hanging there .the float is $2.50 at lowes its really a marker so you dont over flow the individual buckets .for instance if I filled the 13 gallon main res with water to the top it would over flow each individual bucket,so you put a float inn. but thats the least of your worries lets just skip the float and draw a line with a permanit marker.so you have your main res and your buckets plumbed inn.take the red insert with holes in it and putit in one of the buckets ,so you can judge were the water can comes up to,you want it right up to the red insert bucket.fill the main res with water untill it fills all the buckets up to the insert buckets.once it touches the red insert bucket draw a line with a permanent marker in your main res that will be the line that is your marking so you dont over flow each bucket.you will have plants in there so you wont be able to tell hoew full they are,thats why you mark the main res inside of it. you really dont need the float, skip it and draw a line .you can add the float later on down the road .it doesnt need it. sorry Im trying to type fast.next questions ,and im glade your asking questions


Well-Known Member
the pump pumps threw the blue tubes too the top of each bucket where there are t-barbs plumed into each individual bucket .the pump takes the nutrient out of the main res shoots threw the blue tubing at the top and recirculates threw the bottom and returns to the main res.In the middle row between the 4 individual buckets is were I put my barbs so I use less hose.I just hooked up a T barb right next to the pump so I could split to each side the pump thend goes to each side and keeps the bucket filled.you can buy the res at the same place square bucket 13 gallon main res. and this plastic company sent me a mag and the have bulk heads which is the thing that seals each bucket up.which I wish I had. there bulk heads,with rubber seals,so dont go too lowes its easier this way.just look up bulk headson there sight and you will see what im talking about take a couple of days to think about it and I will guide you the hole way,when your done youll be like I making it harder than it needed to be.that was easy I shit you not.


Active Member
okay i think im getting it now. so is this like a dwc system? i mean basically u got your recirculating water in each bucket plus the nute lines ran which drizzles down to the bottom of the buckets and the roots just sit in them or what. could i put seedlings in this system or do they have to be clones? so its not like the WF with the drip ring in the top bucket right?


Well-Known Member
It souds like your getting it. yes you can put seedlings inn,u just have to hand water for maybe a week thats it,if you use the waterfarm you will over water the seedlings any way. thats the first thing peopl do is over water in hydro.to make it simple fill everything with plain ph water and water with nutrient buy hand for a week ,one the roots hit the bucket it done you will not have to water them ever again, the system will keep it fed.and once the roots start at the bottom start your nutrient.this is so you dont waste nutrient when they cant get it anyway,for instance you would have about 12 gallons total of nutrient not even being used because the roots arn't down far enough.


Active Member
So in this system do the plants get fed on a constant basis or do have the pump on a timer....lol ohhhhhhhhh okay i think i get it now. tell me if im right, so the water will always be recurculating no matter what right pump or no pump but the nutes will be pumped in by the water pump and that happends all day or on a timer?


Active Member
Also im a texan so, do u know which sites i can have seeds shipped or should i just make a trip to canada. cuz i dont wanna order seeds and waste my money and not even get them? Hey man 'preciate all your help PH2! if you have more pics i would love to see them to get a better idea.


Well-Known Member
yes ! I will get better pics and lets take our time to build this system ok. I know your ready to get rolling but it wont take long .alright the best site in the world for seeds is legends to me I love all there stains and I like Dj shorts stuff,and chimera. you go to there web site and coppy the order form on your printer and pick your shit. good prices this is top quility shit I go know where else.very stealth very .and the only way to pay is money order which is the best becuase nobody can trace or take your money this is why he does it this way.it will take 3 weeks to get too you.It probably takes 4 days to get your order and there not across the water , if you know what i mean ,these guys are very honest and frebies to boot that will germ,these guys are honest guys and there shipping is free.just look at there selection its sick .if you have any questions about there shit ask me and I can tell you what the plant is like.I ordered some flo just this week and got 4 blue cheese free and all of themed germed in24 hrs his shit rocks.I posted a pick of the last flow I grew you should be able to check it out I posted it about 2 weeks ago.please trust me on these guys. you send them your order form with what you want and they send you the seeds stealth,I dont email them or noyhing just wait 3weeks or so and I promise youll get your shit and fill good about your order.once you go with red the owner of legends you will never go anywhere else.peace PH2