Waterfarm setup


Well-Known Member
Keep your res. outside the tent, it will help keep your water cooler....other than that i would change that 400 watter for a 600 if possible, they are much more efficient. i like the setup man though, any real pics of it?


Active Member
I was going to go w/ a 600 but i was worried about heat problems in the tent. Right now i dont have any pics but this was kinda my rough draft for my next grow. Right now i have almost the same set-up but w/ and ebb and flow. im in week 3 or flowering so ill try and get some pics 420inmyapt. I heard you can put frozen bottles of water in your res. to keep it cold?


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, but thats a very labor intensive way of keeping your res cool... i was just saying if you going with a waterfarm module they have remote res. unlike most ebb & flow tables, so all it would be would be running a couple lines though your wire socks.

In regards, to the 600 watter, i don't know what Secret Jardin you go but if your siting a 6 module WF in there you mush have atleast a DR120. Now please tell me you got the dark room and not the street version..... But if you just get a fan and air cool that lamp you should be golden.. just my 2 cents...


Active Member
Yea i will probally put the res outside. Im still trying to decide which system to buy thanks to uncle sam (stimulus check) i have down to: waterfarm 8-pack, ebb and flow econo table (like the bigfoot) and the Rainforest 66. Any suggestions or experience with any?

My tent isnt the street i made sure of that when i ordered. Its the DR120, i love it. I just have a couple bag seeds going right now on an ebb and flow i made with some oscillating fans.
temps are- lights on: 87-93


Well-Known Member
your on trac just think about the 2-4x6 jardin tents rather than 1. so you can eventually have veg and flower room, so you can keep it consistant and ounce a month. and he's right keep the res out of the tent unless you want to pay $ 360 for a chiller.think about it you could buy 2 5x5 jardin tents for the price of 1-10x10. and have seperate rooms.the best is the 4x6 tents 2 of those and you have room to move around and you keep it coming.If you do not have the money for both buy 1-4x6 now and the other later rather than be stuck with 1 big tent thats really wasted space.just trying too save you trouble in the long run peace PH2


Active Member
your on trac just think about the 2-4x6 jardin tents rather than 1. so you can eventually have veg and flower room, so you can keep it consistant and ounce a month. and he's right keep the res out of the tent unless you want to pay $ 360 for a chiller.think about it you could buy 2 5x5 jardin tents for the price of 1-10x10. and have seperate rooms.the best is the 4x6 tents 2 of those and you have room to move around and you keep it coming.If you do not have the money for both buy 1-4x6 now and the other later rather than be stuck with 1 big tent thats really wasted space.just trying too save you trouble in the long run peace PH2

I would love to have 2 tents but im a renter for one and two i dont have that much room in my house(roomate). But i appreciate the advice guys 420 and purp haze. Do you use the Jardin purphaze2?


Active Member
Either you guys have any suggestions or anything you can tell me really... on these systems im torn between. Waterfarm, Rainforest 66, and ebb and flow econo table 3x3??


Well-Known Member
and if you buy a 600 and want too keep your light cool you just invest with the best fans. vortec 6 inch 440 cfm yiur tent will stay iced wich is the main thing for growing in a tent.
if you get the water farm 8 pack you can eventually turn it into a recirculating system which is way better than the gravity feed shit they give you. or you could save your self $200 and make it yourself you can buy the buckets online www.us plastic.com.there 41/2 gallon buckets for $4 dollars a piece, I bought the water farm 8 pack just to go and buy more buckets to make it a recirculating system.hateed .its easy and you will learn something. just trying save you money. please ask some questions I do not want to blow this thread up


Well-Known Member
Personally if you liked your ebb and flow setup you made i would invest in a commercial one, plus you know how to operate it, know the up keep it needs ect.. with the rainforest and waterfarm its a new systems and thus a learning curve for you... but i would say the waterfarm is a fairly low learning curve besides setting it up... the rainforest though is an aero system and i dont have direct experience with it but i know from reading around here aero can be tricky... not always but it has more probability of being....


Well-Known Member
yes! I agre with 420inmyapt the waterfarm is easy especially with pure blend pro nutes its Ph buffered just pour in your mix and your done but of coarse start off with filtered water.theres nothing to the water farm just put buckets were you want, and fill main res done.PH2


Active Member
how do you turn the WF into a recirculating system PH2? I have read about that on here a little bit but not sure exactly how to do it. How much is that vortec fan? The only thing i know about the WF is that you constantly have to check the ph in each bucket ive heard. hints the recirculating. Should i order seeds or just say fuck it and buy a plane ticket to canada??


Active Member
420inmyapt, know any good fabricated ebb/flow systems? Or plans to make one, i mean i know how to mostly but im real interested in the bigfoot system by american hydroponics. I made mine just outta a 35 gallon rubbermaid or my res: and a big tray i picked up from wal-mart and i just bought the ebb/flow fittings from the hydro store. But i fucking hate changing the water, its such a pain in the ass since my tray sits right on my res.


Well-Known Member
I will try to post pics of my water farm. you will need a pump at lowes its $40 and you buy your buckets online on that site I gave you.8 buckets and a 13 gallon res all at that store I showed you. 10 ft of half inch flexible hose. at lowes and the man part 10 feet of 3/4 inch pvc at lowes and 8 ts to connect continiuesly i will show a pick to give you an idea dont let it confuse you its simple.I will post pics and then ask questions.just give me a few