Water ?


I have 5 ww under 364 total watts of cfl. My plants are almost 2 weeks old and keep curling up on me. I think do to under watering. I have them in small 4" pots with 80/20 happyfrog/perlite i gave them 2/3 cup of h2o hope this helps.tell me what you think.


Active Member
Sounds like overwatering to me, pictures would help. Seedlings don't need much water, I would say just water them when you notice the leaves standing like they are reaching for light maybe once every 3-5 days and not as much when you do. Also this will force the plant to form a better root structure by sending out roots in search of moisture.

I could be wrong but see what everyone else responds with and make the call.


imagejpeg_2.jpg they are looking better! i have been giving themwater evry 3days and misting in between going to try to bump it down to 2 if the soil looks right they are draining realy fast. is it posible i used to much perlite


Well-Known Member
If your temps are good and you're not introducing nutes yet. It's usually a PH problem that deforms leaves. Make sure your PH is where it needs to be


imagejpeg_2 (2).jpgshe is lookin alot better know she was just thersty. stem looks alot stronger know. wondering if i should cut the bottom leaf?imagejpeg_2.jpg