Water Use In California.....

I don't think he's blaming them for it not currently raining ... He's blaming them for using all the water that was collected on previous rains
Thats hog wash jj. Agriculture uses like 60 percent of all the water. Why not a tariff on any agriculture product that leaves California to create desalination plants for the farms. They are the ones sucking us dry and shipping everything out of state and to no benefit to the ppl. How about dole and farm fresh and the huge vineyards and cattlemen take responsibility. I'm on a well btw. I have no interest in your nor cal water:lol:

mandatory drip irragation PAID BY the tax payers near the canal <<< thats the start...
BUT it is the SUBDIVISIONS that are eating up the water shares up here in colorado causing us to build more DAMS AND rentention lakes in the high country witch evap like crazy... so you all get less water ... the stream that starts 7 miles up from me an runs thru my front 40 is part of the headwaters western colorado sends to the cali canal as per our 1800's agreement ... water MUST reach cali or shit really flies for us upstream supposedly.. we sold that water a long time ago ...
It's what happens when a state becomes so densely populated coupled with a drought. California should consider some kind of incentives to get people to 're-locate.
They already did that. People are already leaving in droves. They call it "over regulation and confiscatory taxation"
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They already did that. People are already leaving in droves. They call it "over regulation and confiscatory taxation"

that would be true, except for the fact that it is completely not true.\


please reserve your stoogery for politics, red. spare these fine folks the indignity of having to deal with you.

on behalf of the politics section, i apologize for letting red out of his cage.
Go full hydro..collect your waste water and set up passive distillation using solar power to reclaim clean water. It's an idea I've had but haven't looked into the feasibility of it. Outside, black plastic(food safe) holding tank, old nute solution is pumped out..solar heat evaps water, which is collected and distributed to a clean holding tank.Biggest issue would be the nute holding tank would need some periodic cleaning to remove the built up nute sludge that would be left over after distillation.

another idea.. Build an "exhale room" similar to a "lung room", where humid air can be dehumidified, recapturing some water ( economical?..IDK). A below ground room( basement) could be used to passively dehumidify the air if there was a great enough temp differential.
I keep reading articles about big farms and big corporations illegally stealing 100000s of acre feet of water! Hmm maybe that's where our problem is. It's causing salt water to back up into the delta.. nestle taking water down in socal when there permit expired 30 years ago! So cal has grown by 5 million ppl in last 30 years or so but decreased water use by 25% with that growth... just sayin facts here. I'm just glad to be up on my hill with a well that should be good for 50 years!
Sounds like an industry that needs to expand, plenty of water on the planet. Oh and my hose still puts out the same amount, lol.