Water uptake has slowed


Well-Known Member
This happened to me as well, just don't water as much. Next week you may see a bit of a growth spurt. Mine seems to remain dormant during the like 3rd last week then halfway through the second last week plumped up a bit. Then I chopped the following week when I got my about 10% amber trichs. Although you have no photos so nothing to go on :P


Well-Known Member
Later in flower, if you start dropping lower leaves (normal for many strains) you will for sure use less water.

It is "evaporotranspiration", water being lost through transpiration of the plant leaf surface, and evaporation from the soil surface.

So these things change over time. Best bet is to develop a lift it up and guesstimate guage.

When I final plant my 1/2 gallon plant into a 5 gal pot I might water about every 6 days. Later as it fills out maybe every 3 days. Or even 2 days.

Toward end of flower water use drops again back to every 4 days or so, you just have to develop a feel for the "heft" of the pot, let it get good and dry between waterings.