Water type

If it's soil any water will do, spring water is usually high in whatever rock made up the system, distilled tap and rain should also work.
Thanks I’ve read different things so was asking I always ph my water reguardless the onlything I use baking soda and lemon juice and my up and down
Thanks I’ve read different things so was asking I always ph my water reguardless the onlything I use baking soda and lemon juice and my up and down

I just pour my tap water straight into my soil but each to their own I just have no time or patience to be messing around with ingredients and meters. Tap water is pH 8 plus and ppm is somewhere round a hundred, Ive read a lot in the same boat who found that it works a treat too.
I’m not swaying OP for or against their water. Use what is working for you. I personally use distilled because my water in AZ is trash. I would never give the advice to not be patient enough to mess with ingredients or meters though. And I definitely would never cite articles proving my laziness. You get out what you put in. Use what’s working for you, and is controllable and in your budget.
I appreciate the thought I I like ph-I got to help them eat right my first grow is going very well but I did have 2 looking kinda bad but the others very well


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It’s been about 5 days since they’ve been watered and it’s lightly damp I was going to put a little cal-mag with the mix to see if it’s help
That pic was taken yesterday about 4-5 days since it’s last feeding I wanted to just oust straight water on this feeding but really thinking about throwing that cal-mag in there!
My plants don’t like not getting water every other day and my mothers in #1 pots drink me out of house and home. They need it every day. So much of a chore I’m days away from re cloning them and starting them over
Well see with those I used a little salamander soil so it holds in some water they still have a little Weight to the Pot. I cloned mine and dropped in a new one as well some Gello
So I’m the first image the bottoms middle plant is the gello and all the others are clones


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