Water treatment

Ok, so I just upgraded to a 27gal. Tank. What should I be using to prevent slime and root rot?? I'm using hydroguard currently but I'm still getting nasty brown shit in the tank every few days.I saw something called Z7 but it looks kinda pricey. What are your suggestions??
I use hydroguard as well but it's not that great. One thing I notice that that has helped keep my roots white is general hydroponics rapidstart.

Short of a water chiller probably nothing really thought. I'm gonna bite the bullet and probably buy one.

The problem arises anytime water is stored. Add nutrients?

The System
Remove and discard all of the nutrient solution.

Fill your system with a 10 percent bleach solution, and circulate it through the pumps, hoses and other system components. Allow it to sit in your system for several hours. If you use a hydroponic media, disinfect or replace it.

Rinse the system well and refill it with fresh nutrient solution.

Add 2.5 teaspoons of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide per gallon of nutrient solution to your tank.”

Been there. These 4 steps are very important and useful.
I had an army medic tell me to spray the roots with straight clorox. I gave it a try and it worked great. Brown roots turned brite white and did not affect the plant!!
Another question,.... It says 1gram of shock to 1 gallon of water. So if I use 3 grams of shock, I can use just 1oz. Per 15 gallons???