Water: The Most Essential Compound

Guys, I was thinking...if pH level of soil is for exp. 5.5 and I want to fix it to be 6.5, should I water a plant with pH 7.5 water to make it around 6,5? Or it doesn't work that way?
You’re actively changing the micro-herd and whatever is living in there is trying to change it. More correctly, the microbes (normally) are responding to the needs of the plant.

If it was real nutritious soil, you’d leave it alone. Microbes swarm and take care of all of that. I’m sorry for a lecture - that’s not what you came here for.

If you have active runoff, you would have to measure that, relative to the pH you’re adding. Dial in the water pH until the runoff is the pH you want
Stupid question but must ask

I can’t sleep when my pump for dechlorinate water is on...the sound od bubbless and pump is too loud...
Is it ok if I turn the pump off ar night and water dont move for that 8-10 h
So as far as a watering schedule goes, is it better to water 500ml every second day or 1000ml every 4? What is the right amount of water for soil in a 2gal pot
Quick question, I recently changed soil from bio bizz light mix to plagron light mix and I was just wondering wether I should ph my water now I’ve changed to this brand?, I never has the need to ph my water when using bio bizz as it has a ph buffer inside the soil and I never had any problems however I’ve never used plagron before and I’m unsure as to wether it will buffer my ph for me like bio bizz or I’m gonna have to do it manually? Anyone?
Hey guys, was going to start a new post but just thought I'd throw a question up on this thread...

I'm about to invest in a reverse osmosis filtering system. I bought one a while back with a small resoviour but once that 7 litres or whatever was used from the resoviour the flow drops down to a really slow trickle. Not ideal for res changes haha.
So my question is whats a good ro system that provides a constant flow.?? i will require up to 150 litres a day but dont want to wait all day to get it lol.

Thanks in advance.
Does this look overwatered to anyone?


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Non grow question...

When I leave water in glass jar over night I see some crystalys in top of that jar...
Can you please explain me what they are...? what happen in that water
I think is beneficil but yust like to know sience behind that...
Wow, this thread contains a lot of great information! When I first started growing I paid little attention to my nute reservoir. I added in the nutes per the manufacturer suggestions, oxygenated my solution and kept it chilled between 68-70F. Aside from that I never monitored PH, TDS or EC. I always had great results.

Then one day I decided I should get more technical with my nute solution. I bought a pH controller, monitored TDS like crazy, and ran full RO water. I can’t tell you the reason why, but I’ve never had more problems with my plants than ever.

Now I’m back to just running plain old tap water with nutes per recs and my oxygenators. Things are back to normal. Any insight as to why I ran into so many issues when using RO water and maintaining optimal pH/TDS?
RO water has few ions and is therefore susceptible to huge pH shifts.

Tap and well water have a lot of ions, especially Ca, Na, Fe, and Mg. These are Stong ions and tend to buffer the solution pH. No pH swings. Very stable.

Microbes also tend to buffer the soil, but you’re using nutes, so the microbes aren’t as much in use
After I made my feed my pH balance was at 6.1 my water comes out at 8.2 so by adding my organic nutrients it lowers the pH alone and I don't have to adjust it ..I was happy to go with 6.1 would you guys agree ? So basically always do pH last as nutrients can change level
After I made my feed my pH balance was at 6.1 my water comes out at 8.2 so by adding my organic nutrients it lowers the pH alone and I don't have to adjust it ..I was happy to go with 6.1 would you guys agree ? So basically always do pH last as nutrients can change level
Are you growing in hydro or soil? And yes adjust ph after adding nutes as they will change your ph.
I'm growing in sloil .. biobizz all mix to be percise mate
I grow dwc. But grew in soil years ago. I think off memory, ideal soil ph is 6.5 but soil is a good buffer and doesnt have to be as precise as hydro. If it was me id go with the 6.1 ph as it will make life much easier for you. But observe plants closely for a while for calcium and magnesium deficiencies. If you get cal/mag deficiency then you may want to up the ph a little.?
I grow dwc. But grew in soil years ago. I think off memory, ideal soil ph is 6.5 but soil is a good buffer and doesnt have to be as precise as hydro. If it was me id go with the 6.1 ph as it will make life much easier for you. But observe plants closely for a while for calcium and magnesium deficiencies. If you get cal/mag deficiency then you may want to up the ph a little.?
Ok I'll check them all tomorrow for signs of cal/mag defficiency and see what's needing done if there is I'll up it to 6.5.... Thanks mate
Oh my I will eventually read through this thread but i would like to know if you can use water from the dehumidifier??..

I've heard before that you can but why would you want to. Just don't use A/C water. A friend of mine got the two confused (which is very easy to do) watered with A/C water and damn near killed everyone he put it on. Dumb ass!!
I've heard before that you can but why would you want to. Just don't use A/C water. A friend of mine got the two confused (which is very easy to do) watered with A/C water and damn near killed everyone he put it on. Dumb ass!!
Heya bud thanks for the reply.. I did use the dehumidifier water..i phd it.. it was in the alkalined area so I used ph down to get it to 6.3.. watered my clones and 24hrs later they still look alive so I guess il carry on using the dehumidifier water.. saves me from walking to the other side of the house to empty it down the toilet.. churr.