water temperature in my reservoir?


Well-Known Member
i hear of people using frozen bottles or other methods to cool their water. why do you want cooler water? just curious because i have never cooled my water and am wondering what it does. anyone who responds is cool in my book. thanks!


Well-Known Member
Some growers that I know have told me to through ph balanced ice cubes in the resevoir and on your rockwool during the flush. It is said to stress the plant into producing more resin. Might give it a try some day.


Well-Known Member
Water at 68 degrees holds some exponential amount more oxygen than water that is say 78 or higher. I have been lazy past couple days not keeping my res temp down.


Well-Known Member
Water at 68 degrees holds some exponential amount more oxygen than water that is say 78 or higher. I have been lazy past couple days not keeping my res temp down.

water after 73 grows pithium.. root rot... good luck .. i lost a crop do to it... not pretty... search dwc scrog to see my results... good luck .


Well-Known Member
ideal temp is 67ish. i have issues because my temp is 78!!! and i have no way to chill the water because i have a built in resevoir. i may try the ice cube trick but that seems to only be a temporary solution. i might have to use that frozen water bottle method, i can put the bottles on the table before they flood and let the water cool down that way. any other suggestions????


Well-Known Member
Ya 68-72 is ideal, mine can get higher than that since I don't use DWC. DWC will cause root rot way faster than ebb and flow if things aren't right. I found it out first hand when I built a DWC setup.


Well-Known Member
Ya 68-72 is ideal, mine can get higher than that since I don't use DWC. DWC will cause root rot way faster than ebb and flow if things aren't right. I found it out first hand when I built a DWC setup.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I love my 'drain to waste' set-up, never a fucked up res :)