Water supply for hydro


Active Member
Dear growers!

I'm going to get the water from a commercial source... The cheaper choice is fizzy co2 enriched. The normal plain water is a bit more expensive.

Can I use the co2 enriched water in my hydro?

Thank you for your attention:idea:


Well-Known Member
There is no reason to add C02 gas to your water. Remember leaves use the c02 for photosynthesis and the roots use oxygen. If you did anything I would suggest oxygenating the water for the plants and that in turn would give you a better growth rate. I'm currently using tap water for my hydro grow and I have to adjust the PH down. My water is hard water and starts with 300 ppm right out of the tap.


Active Member
Would the fizzy water hurt the roots or not. Advantages-disadvantages? Thats the question.


Well-Known Member
it shouldnt but...i bought some Carbonated water to spray the plants with....but i checked ppm and it was 900!!! should just get an RO man, i wish i would have. It makes life sooooo eassssssy