Prev post @ you, what you think?I don't know about using the kind of sugar you'd use at the kitchen table, but don't worry you're not crazy!In the vegetative stage, I wouldn't imagine adding extra 'sugar' would be overly important as if the plant is provided with adequate nutrients it should have no problems manufacturing these sugars itself. However, when it comes to flowering I do know people who swear by adding Molasses; specifically Blackstrap Molasses (provided you grow in soil.) This is basically giving the plant extra sugars/carbohydrates in a form that the plant can almost readily use, there are actually a lot of nutrient additives you can get that contain molasses. Most 'organic bud enhancer' type additives I've come across are largely molasses based.
There's bound to be threads on it, give it a search! Hope this helps.
I've never heard of using orange juice before. Personally, if I were to treat a nutrient deficiency, I'd first want to know what caused the problem and if it was just a lack of those specific nutrients then I'd use something designed to treat those nutrient deficiencies. However, Cal and Mag defs are more often caused by either certain nutrients being far too abundant which then locks out Cal or Mag, or your pH being wrong causing those nutrients to become unavailable to the plant (more common in hydro than soil as soil can handle a much broader pH range before problems start occurring.)Like its funny you say that I know another grower who uses pure orange juice (not concentrate) for cal and mag defs. I havent tried this method yet but according to him it works. He says use 1/4 cup orange juice per quart of water.