Water runoff


Well-Known Member
When I check the water runoff after I water and it's not what I want it to can I ph up some water and add more water? Or would that over water? Maybe wait a little while after the first water? PH up it the next time I water?


Active Member
You gotta mix soil with perlits and any water absorbable things if you want less runoff. Over water isn't how much litres you put into soil, it is when you water too often and roots can't get anymore air, then the roots rot/die.


Well-Known Member
Test the ph of your soil first.

What is the ph of what you are feeding?

If the soil and what goes is are okay, you should be fine. If you need to bring up soil ph, try adding some dolomite lime into the top of your soil.


Well-Known Member
That's why a lot of people will mix in dolomite lime in with their soil. Its acts as a PH buffer, plus it also helps to keep any cal/mag deficiency at bay.


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't transplanted yet. I have roots organic original soil. Was going to mix dolomite lime with it and get the runoff at a good pH before I put anything in it because I heard that soil is pretty hot. Good idea?