Water: Ro or not to RO, that is my question

Any leached metals off the coil surface are negligible/ trace levels
Cannabis is well know for its ability to absorb metals and toxins, thus cleansing the soil of impurities. Even at trace levels, it still accumulates over time and it's definitely stored within the plant tissue and flowers. Not cool-
the water off of my dehuey gets a scum and stuff in it.... i don't see it being a good thing lol. I've used it before in the past and didnt see any ill effects, but i'd much rather use the RO than dehuey water any day.
I'm not going to condemn anyone for using reclaimed water from a dehumidifier. Your plants, your smoke, your health. But when the meds are for someone else, It's a different story.
Someone said earlier in the thread that were trying to cure caner. Why on earth would you knowingly feed (even small additions) heavy metals.
For crying outnloud, there's metal info offered on fertilizer bottles. Any your voluntarily, knowingly adding it.
To each their own i guess.
I'm not going to condemn anyone for using reclaimed water from a dehumidifier. Your plants, your smoke, your health. But when the meds are for someone else, It's a different story.
Someone said earlier in the thread that were trying to cure caner. Why on earth would you knowingly feed (even small additions) heavy metals.
For crying outnloud, there's metal info offered on fertilizer bottles. Any your voluntarily, knowingly adding it.
To each their own i guess.

@RM3 , to build trich's right ?? lead i hear works good ...
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you totally ground this thread into a halt man.
I'm eager to hear about the lead...
Always eager to hear about stuff like this
except that experiment is documented over at ICMAG (well and my private forum of course)

I can tell you that just a dab makes the pot more potent and trippier which was what I set out to discover prove/disprove based on the notion that there was a lot of lead around back in the 60's & 70's because of lead in gasoline and IMO the pot was better back then
except that experiment is documented over at ICMAG (well and my private forum of course)

I can tell you that just a dab makes the pot more potent and trippier which was what I set out to discover prove/disprove based on the notion that there was a lot of lead around back in the 60's & 70's because of lead in gasoline and IMO the pot was better back then
you aren't worried about the inherent health issues with that?
Just do a bit of research into the subject. All these things are real. And unless the condenser is made out of something other than aluminium. Brass. Copper.

And a brand new unit will be clean of mold and bacteria but after being used for awhile you better believe there is shit in there. Every elbow or piping corners than never drain. Standing water. Yuck. Shit would you drink the water? Im guessing no. So unless one lives in mad max world with basically zero access to water this practice of recycleing dehum water is a complete waste. Detrimental and dangerous!

Don't take my word for it.

You do realize that copper, brass, and aluminum along with many other metals are all things plumbing pipes, faucets and valves are made of right? So we all must be living in a Mad Max world. Sorry but your arguments about heavy metal contamination in dehumidifier water are invalid.
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I'm not going to condemn anyone for using reclaimed water from a dehumidifier. Your plants, your smoke, your health. But when the meds are for someone else, It's a different story.
Someone said earlier in the thread that were trying to cure caner. Why on earth would you knowingly feed (even small additions) heavy metals.
For crying outnloud, there's metal info offered on fertilizer bottles. Any your voluntarily, knowingly adding it.
To each their own i guess.
And many "organic" nutes contain more heavy metals than so called "synthetic" nutes. There are many product data sheets out there. Do some comparisons and you may be surprised. Also check out the periodic table of elements. Plants use many types of metal...
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No, I smoked a hell of a lot of weed back in the day and I'm healthy as hell have not been to a doc in over 25 years
Hmmm.... that's not convincing though man...
It's admirable that you did the research, but....
Just because you haven't gone to the doctors...
I mean... you can have a car that never goes to the mechanic, and runs "just fine" and still have HUGE problems...
A good example would be tumors, growths, or anything of that nature, you don't know theres a problem until the tumor start pushing against pain receptors...
That's called preventative measures..
It's be a shame to have a baby with birth defects all in the name of getting a LIL more high...
just my opinion on that
All the love to ya man