water question

dwight smokum

Active Member
i use rainwater but had to paint my metal roof and need to use another source of water for awhile..tap water is 8.4 ph and 500 ppm. lake water ph is 9.0 and 100 ppm. which one would you use and i wonder how long i should let the corrugated metal on roof dry?...


Well-Known Member
I add Phosphoric acid to my 8.5 tap water to bring it down to the 5.7 my rainwater measures at.

What kind of paint is it?


Well-Known Member
I used my tap water (about 8.4 as well) for 3 years without any problems that I could tell. This is actually my first grow where I'm pH'ing my water. Maybe I'll be able to tell a difference, maybe not.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that my plants always looked happier after a rain so I pHed multiple buckets of rainwater and discovered they were 5.7. So now I add acid to all of my watering.

For seeds I always use 7.0 RO water.


Well-Known Member
it's an oil based roof coating,not actually paint.it looks dry but i'm afraid to try it.
I doubt its toxic, look at the base of the rain gutter, if it looks like you sprayed roundup or something then yea you got a problem, but If the random weeds or whatever at the base of the gutter are fine, then you are probably fine too.