Water Pump question


Hi all. I've been looking at water pumps but I don't know exactly what ones I can get away using. I wanna have different types of hydro that need a water pump.

Flood and Drain
Drip Feed

and possibly a bucket Aero, flood and drain or Drip feed setup.\

What size do I need for how much x about of pvc piping and for the drip feed


The Honda water pump is a perfect example. If you're going to be changing your Honda water pump (or the water pump on any car or truck with clearance problems), be sure to change the timing belt and any seals that are accessible while you're there. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches down the road, and you'll find the timing belts and cooling system parts you need :hump:


Either change your post and answer my question or remove your post. If you don't I will get a mod to delete it and next time if your going to post in any of my threads either stay on topic or don't post at all


depends on how strong a flow you need. they are rated on gallons per hour (gph) and usually how far vertically they can pump the water. Small fountain pumps from home depot work alright for flooding or drip feeding. You will need a stronger mag pump for an aeroponic rig. You have to measure your space and buckets for pvc yourself.


depends on how strong a flow you need. they are rated on gallons per hour (gph) and usually how far vertically they can pump the water. Small fountain pumps from home depot work alright for flooding or drip feeding. You will need a stronger mag pump for an aeroponic rig. You have to measure your space and buckets for pvc yourself.
Ok. I am thinking of using a single water pump to feed around 2 Aeroponic rubber made containers. I'm thinking of doing t tube going from the pump then spits off to the 2 containers or try to do 1 flood and drain, drip and 1 aero with a single bump if I can do that


1 - I won't be buying a cheap pump because the one that I want is $50 and I am not gonna spend $150 on 3 pumps.
2 - I will be doing soil to so if the pump fails and I lose the hydro crop it won't matter because I use soil as a backup.
3 - I am not being '' fucking rude '' I asked a question that I wanted to know what size I need and if I can do the setup that I want. I wasn't asking for other setup ideas unless the way I wanted to do it wouldn't work.
4 - The prices of items here aren't as cheap as they are there and ordering things online is not going to be an option.


Well-Known Member
1 - I won't be buying a cheap pump because the one that I want is $50 and I am not gonna spend $150 on 3 pumps.
2 - I will be doing soil to so if the pump fails and I lose the hydro crop it won't matter because I use soil as a backup.
3 - I am not being '' fucking rude '' I asked a question that I wanted to know what size I need and if I can do the setup that I want. I wasn't asking for other setup ideas unless the way I wanted to do it wouldn't work.
4 - The prices of items here aren't as cheap as they are there and ordering things online is not going to be an option.
1-in soil, you dont need much power, just enough to cover all drippers. there is no exact ratio of GPH/outlets. so you can get average sized one. calculate the number of outlets, then multiply by how much you wana feed in galons per minute get the pump that equals it in GPH.
2-thats fucking stupid.
3-you are bit rude lmao
4-you can find them for cheaper in certain stores. ive been usin made in china for years, work 3-4 grows in a row before breakin, i work them like 8x/day flood/drain and cheap to replace


1-in soil, you dont need much power, just enough to cover all drippers. there is no exact ratio of GPH/outlets. so you can get average sized one. calculate the number of outlets, then multiply by how much you wana feed in galons per minute get the pump that equals it in GPH.
2-thats fucking stupid.
3-you are bit rude lmao
4-you can find them for cheaper in certain stores. ive been usin made in china for years, work 3-4 grows in a row before breakin, i work them like 8x/day flood/drain and cheap to replace
ok thank you for helping me out I found this info on different sprinkler misterand I was wondering if this is a good rule of thumb to go by to calculate the gph that I want to go with?



Well-Known Member
dude its not he best idea to put soil on timer. it's more sensitive to overwatering than hydro. if its a small setup handwater and imo skip soil altogether. complicates things to have both, and the "backup soil grow" is the funniest shit i ever heard lmao


Active Member
Good info. here! I've actually been wondering about this too!

Either change your post and answer my question or remove your post. If you don't I will get a mod to delete it and next time if your going to post in any of my threads either stay on topic or don't post at all
Awww c'mon man I thought it was funny hee hee. =)


dude its not he best idea to put soil on timer. it's more sensitive to overwatering than hydro. if its a small setup handwater and imo skip soil altogether. complicates things to have both, and the "backup soil grow" is the funniest shit i ever heard lmao
No i am not doing a hydro soil grow. I will have plants in soil as backup just in case some thing happens to the plants in the hydro and I lose them all then I can just take clones off the plants in soil and put the clones in hydro

Is that chart that I posed for the flow rates a good rule of thumb to go by for how much GPH flow rate water pump that I should get?


Active Member
Good grief,,, Google the crap dude...Learn, learn, LEARN!!!!!! There are plenty of instructions and plenty of DIY on the net... You can even go to a hydro store and copy a few systems that are on the market. And get the advice from someone who will make A FEW PALTRY DOLLARS OF YOU!.. If you had a specific question that related to something more tech. I could understand your post... But really, a basic set up question... !!!! Get real... Are you planning on asking questions on everything? ph of water , nute schedule, waterING schedule, proper lighting and amounts pOwer sq ft?. WHAT IS PAR, WHAT ARE BENEFICIAL MICROBES, SHOULD i USE H202 INSTEAD..?.. etc etc,, etc,, etc,,, So use you Brain and the fine search function that google has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help YOU! .. ....