Water Pump for river water???

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Definitely the least amount of work, and you know it will work after you've gone through the hassle of getting it there. I also recommend going to your local fire department for hose. I know in Ontario, all FD's must replace their hose's after 3 years regardless of condition. They usually just throw them away.....


Good call on the FD for a hose, never thought of that.
Im going to drive around and see if I can find a small gas powered pump thats not extremely loud.

thanks everyone. ill let share with everyone what i find and what i purchase.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
There is a type of pump that can under the right circumstances "pump" itself uphill using the force of the flowing water.

It's called a Ram pump. Not sure if your site is right, but might be worth considering. Good luck.


If you plan 250x250, your gonna need lots of water. i'd make a reservoir and then rig up a couple mufflers to a small gas powered pump and fill the res up at night. I bet if you put a few mufflers on a pump, it would be quiet enough. You said you're worried about choppers too right? There's no way to hide a square, 250x250, bright green patch of weed from the eye in the sky IMO:leaf:


Well-Known Member
not trying to point out the obvious but 10' over 250' will create a shitload of backpressure on the line, due to the weight of the water. you will need a powerful submerged sump pump and a smaller outflow pipe to reduce the weight of the water. a chack valve would not be a bad idea. lets pretend you used 1" poly line. a 250' run of 1" line would hold 10.201 gal of water, which would weigh 85.18lbs. its take a decent pump to move that much water... and a decent pump means a reliable power source. you might look into a 'whisper' generator which is made by honda, there very very quiet and would give you the power you need to run a pump. but remember this- if your worried about helios... a straight pipe running from a water source to a patch will like like a straight arrow pointing to your grow to the IR cam.... and the generator though quiet will look like a red hot peice of satans shit with a glowing exhaust trail to the IR cam as well.


I went out to the site today and measured everything. I was way off i realized...

Lot is 100 x 150 ft.

River is 100 feet away.

So this might change things as far as pumps go. The whole lot has greean healthy grass. The surface of the ground is wet, and during the summer it should be wet about 4 inches down. River cant be more than 7 feet lower than the lot so the ground should be wet most of the year. Anyways, does this change anything? or should i just get a gas powered pump still?

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Go back to your plot and dig a hole, see how deep you have to go until you hit nice dark, moist soil. If it's under 2' your good to go.


Well-Known Member
Hey, since we're discussing ALL options...Is there a location up hill that hits the river? I've seen people bury yards and yards of 1" hose over a period of time in the winter and siphon water to the patch...Maybe next year...


yea the mexicans in my area do that i heard. Siphoning would be cool. Yes there is river for miles. I have 600 acres along the river..


Active Member


Lightweight general purpose pump
Easy starting Honda mini 4-stroke engine
37 gal./min capacity
Weighs only 13.4 lbs.
Garden hose adaptor, suction hose, clamps, and strainer included

MSRP $449.95*

shall solve all your problems. Small investment, for an incredible season.


Well-Known Member
speaking of digging a hole....
if your that close to the river why dont you just dig a hole till you wither hit rock or get deeper than the river level, ground water will fill it up quick...


All ideas listed above would work. Im looking for the cheapest way that works good.
That honda pump seems nice lol.

Im going to do some research today about the honda and the river pressure idea... thanks everyone..