water proof extension cable


Well-Known Member
well yer, im going to get some small pots 2night (already had big ones) and some chains an shit, just odd bits i havnt picked up.

they should be good grows. i got a 'White Widow' feminised and a 'Trance' feminised and 9 bagseed germing.


Well-Known Member
well yer, im going to get some small pots 2night (already had big ones) and some chains an shit, just odd bits i havnt picked up.

they should be good grows. i got a 'White Widow' feminised and a 'Trance' feminised and 9 bagseed germing.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i do this now, the normal orange extension cord, buried -- the end plugs into an outlet in my basement and the othe to a power strip, right now i am running a portable ac unit, and a 250 mh lamp ... along with 2 fans. In flower i run a 400 watt hps a squirel fan and soem fans -- seeign ifi can get teh ac unit runnign at teh same time (in the winter i can get a portable heater going with the 400).

mine isnt on teh normal zize breaker though -- its on one for my dryer.

what my new plan is (sicne i hm in the same situation -- wife -- wont let me grow in the house... )

i am buildign a false wall in my shed (i have one of those nice sheds with windows and nice paint and shit)

but it will be a 2 1/2 foot wide 7 ft tall 9 ft long area, I will insulate it and put in 2 15 amp breakers into my circuit box and run wire underground... this way i can handle more power and its more concealed (better hten aorange plug hanging out a socket and disapearing itno the gorund...


Well-Known Member
yer yer, if i can put the timer on to start and stop at a certain time im good. i could just leave the cable running in through the cat flap over night for the 18 hour period.

then just time it and take the plug out at about 7pm and everything should be hidden :)

oh your from the U.K

Your growing cannabis/lights/set-up will get stolen if you're being honest about it.
Running a cable through your garden, coming out of a cat flap and you think people won't notice, even if it is a back garden..

Sorry to seem harsh, just get it installed properly mate. :)


Well-Known Member
the sockets are all inside yer. whats a HD cord? a drip loop? also whats a GFI? lol

an rkm i know what ur sayin but every1 is out at work in the day and no1 will see the cable going into the shed, if its in the day then its less likely to leak bits of light.

if i pack it into the shed at night then thats when they can have there darkness.

not many ppl are in the garden (we only go outside on the patio to smoke). plus, saturdays are fine, i can put the light on any time bcoz no1 is round on saturdays as i see my dad then.

basicly, this is my 1st and last grow, i dont want it to be expensive and would just rather do most the things myself if u know what i mean.

i just need electric in that shed for the lighting periods then i can clean it up and no1 is aware if anything going on.
HD is Heavy Duty

A drip loop is where the ends are not the lowest spot. (that way water runs away, not towards the plugs.)

A GFI is 'like' a breaker, but is more for safety and water related faults


Well-Known Member
if you've got a socket near the back wall of your house near the shed drill a hole through the wall behind the socket and take a spur off the socket (permanent connection) and bury the cable its a piece a piss use a fairly beefy extension cable same sorta size thats on your reflector or bigger if your extension cable isnt thick enough you will overload it and it will get hot
instead of getting an ext cable go to an electrical shop and buy just the cable then go to wicks or B+Q and get a double socket for the shed should cost no more than 25 quid sorted.
runnin an extension out every day and bringin it in aint an option.
come on dude get a grip lol.


Well-Known Member
nah, im not drillin any extra holes or anythin.

i doubt any1 will be able to get in through the cat flap...

i will have padlocks on the shed and it shouldnt leak any light. no1 is going to notice a black cable running round the side of the garden (in the soil etc) and then through a cat flap. no1 can even seen my back garden.

its cool, i got it sorted, i bought a extension lead,weekly timer and a surge protector.


Well-Known Member
im warning oyu about a shed grow,
You will fight temp changes constantly I jsut got a portable AC unit this year and wish it was my first investment, I was onyl able to grow in the fall because of heat issues, and winter youll need a space heater..

I dotn know how temps get by you im in the USA in the north easy, we range from 98 degrees for a week or mroe in the summer to 0 degrees for the same amount in the winter.

My next step is insulatign the shed ...

take time and precations plan first and think abotu temps.


Well-Known Member
nah its ok in there, im in north west UK. i was in there last night and it was abit warmer than outside, only a tiny abit.

i put the veg lights on and just stood in there for a minute or two. it was fairly warm but thats a good thing atm.

whilst there only 2 days old the warmth will help them sprout abit...

once the heat starts to become an issue, a fan will easy sort out the heat problem.

plus at night the temp drops as well.

it seems fine for now. im quite suprised i did so well to make a semi - 'pack up grow room'

my gf knows about the cable running through the cat flap and she is ok with it. i told her i was growing tomatoes and not to let any1 in the kitchen or back yard - and they cant get in the shed anyway coz its locked.

so if i am expecting guests ill tell them come round about *time* when my lights are due to go off..... unreal the extension cord, chuck it in shed. lock shed. boom. job done :)

im really happy with it. ill post pics probs 2morro.