water plants with pharmaceuticals? let's discuss


Well-Known Member
who told you that? :lol: acid-weed.

some people will believe anything. :dunce:

even if it was absorbed lsd is measured in micrograms and would be distributed throughout the whole plant diluting your LSD thorougly. then when you burned the herb you would completely destroy any LSD present.


There's at least one person in every crowd who believes you can put LSD on weed and smoke it. :wall:
As for putting pharmaceutical drugs on plants, I don't see the point. It seems to me that drugs formulated for consumption by humans wouldn't be effective on plants. The drugs we buy at the pharmacy are mixed up with all kinds of fillers and things to hold them together while still allowing them to be broken down by acids in your stomach and absorbed into your bloodstream. Now, if you took the drug in it's pure form and fed it to your plants...I'm not sure, but I'd like to know.


Well-Known Member
The drugs we buy at the pharmacy are mixed up with all kinds of fillers and things to hold them together while still allowing them to be broken down by acids in your stomach and absorbed into your bloodstream. Now, if you took the drug in it's pure form and fed it to your plants...I'm not sure, but I'd like to know.
I'm think and extraction would be the way to go, so you're not watering with and possibly smoking all the fillers/binders. But first we need to find out if it will work at all.

Geozander- Creating a monster haha. Please report back with your research.

SableZen- Good point about dosage. Probably would start will small amounts of what ever drug was going to be added to the water, and start with a small smoke, trying to establish out how much was absorbed and stored by the plant. I will experiment a little, our ancestors probably smoked 1000's or random plants before they found the ganja. :weed:


Active Member
Of all the crazy ideas on this post...the opium one is the only one I see as remotely possible. Guys...vicodin has more tylenol than hydrocodone in it...and I don't even want to know what happens when you smoke Tylenol. Urrrgghhh

Maybe, maybe....put some opium or black tar (h) in the water....because both of those get you high when smoked....other than that...it's a waste of good benzos, vics (insert beloved pill of choice here).

I just planted opium poppies...can't wait to experiment.

Oh...and to the person worried about the strength of the added drug being unpredictably strong and dangerous...it's really hard to OD smoking pure tar...it just comes on so slowly - it doesn't hit you all at once like other vehicles (you know - ways to ingest tar that hit you all at once) - so almost impossible to OD in this situation.

Interesting though

purple blues

Active Member
why mix the devil with god? lol i mean pharmaceuticals are part of the reason marijuana is still illegal. i don't want nothing from those pharmers in my farm. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Of all the crazy ideas on this post...the opium one is the only one I see as remotely possible. Guys...vicodin has more tylenol than hydrocodone in it...and I don't even want to know what happens when you smoke Tylenol. Urrrgghhh
CWE? IFFFF I had a source of cheap Vicodin, (PK's are too damn expensive in my town) I would perform a cold water extraction to remove the APAP. I am not interested in smoking Tylenol either.

why mix the devil with god? lol i mean pharmaceuticals are part of the reason marijuana is still illegal. i don't want nothing from those pharmers in my farm. bongsmilie
Why not mix the devil with god? haha

I enjoy the herb, and pharms can be very fun, different, and interesting, so I do think it would be fun to put some of those pharms in my farm.


So...what's the plan? You going to get your plants hooked on drugs, then slap them around, tell them to grow bigger buds or you'll yank their supply?


Well-Known Member
Oh...and to the person worried about the strength of the added drug being unpredictably strong and dangerous...it's really hard to OD smoking pure tar...it just comes on so slowly - it doesn't hit you all at once like other vehicles (you know - ways to ingest tar that hit you all at once) - so almost impossible to OD in this situation.

Interesting though
Man I just can't disagree with you more. lol

Hospitals, morgues, and cemeteries are filled with people that overdosed on opiates in low amounts (and large amounts of course). Just have to add in someone not knowing the dosage, taking a sleep aid, having a beer or two, taking a benzo, or having an undiagnosed physical problem, etc - and you have a fatality. Happens all the time. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I take it black tar is low grade heroin? Anyway its not possible to od smoking it? Will that be the same as you cant od snorting heroin? Have been away studying plant chemistry and biology to see if it would be a viable thing to try, my head is fried with it! Holy shit thats some complicated stuff like, think i will just quick with growing it.


Well-Known Member
I take it black tar is low grade heroin? Anyway its not possible to od smoking it? Will that be the same as you cant od snorting heroin? Have been away studying plant chemistry and biology to see if it would be a viable thing to try, my head is fried with it! Holy shit thats some complicated stuff like, think i will just quick with growing it.
who the fuck says you cant OD snorting smack?


Well-Known Member
who the fuck says you cant OD snorting smack?
who? See if you were to read a post and have the education to follow the punctuation, you might get what i am saying. There are far too many people on here posting comments without actually having read the thread properly. Why i am explaining myself to someone who didnt have the decency to read what i originally posted, i dont know. What was it i said? Something along the lines of. JUST LIKE YOU CANT OD SNORTING HEROIN? See the question mark at the end? Read it again and again until it sinks in. It was a sarcastic question, i know the facts regarding drugs, maybe you should read up on them a bit mate.


Well-Known Member
Nuggetgrower, Nah mate there is so much to take in, it really is complicated stuff. The amount of chemicals just in a weed plant is amazing. Then i tried looking at the biology of the 2 plants, marijuana and opium. Although the biological processes are similar i found the chemistry to be the bit that was incredibly complicated! I reckon the method that was suggested earlier would work, cutting off a bud and feeding by capillary whatever infusion of drugs you wish. Would def make the strength more predictable as said previously.


Well-Known Member
Surely with the long history of the marijuana plant surely someone at some point along the line has tried something like this? I have scoured the web and cannot find any definitive information about this. Am gonna leave a question on one of the seed breeder forums, surely they are the guys who would know.


Well-Known Member
try dissolving birth control pill in one gallon and you might get 20 foot plant

Surely with the long history of the marijuana plant surely someone at some point along the line has tried something like this? I have scoured the web and cannot find any definitive information about this. Am gonna leave a question on one of the seed breeder forums, surely they are the guys who would know.
Good idea. The biology is indeed complicated and I didn't feel like trying to make sense of it. I may just do a little experimenting.

Although the following methods would probably be most effective: injecting the plant, cutting the plant and putting the bud in water mixed with the other substance for a day or two, giving it something extra right before harvest. I'm still wondering what would happen if something else was added in as part of the regular diet. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Meatgazer? Thats a good one never heard it before, take it its an american saying? Anyway surely viagra would have been a better suggestion! You would end up with weed that wanted to Fuck you all night! Perfect. Lol. Think the best way to go would be with a cut bud and trying to get it to take up some of whatever substance takes your desire. Would imagine that working. Then if this was to work you could step up the experiment and try feeding it directly through the roots and seeing the result of that.


Well-Known Member
Would probably stick with organic drugs to start with too as the plant should be able to take these in easier. I am really surprised there is not the knowledge on here as to whether or not it would work or not.


Well-Known Member
Would probably stick with organic drugs to start with too as the plant should be able to take these in easier. I am really surprised there is not the knowledge on here as to whether or not it would work or not.
Yea I'm a little surprised too that there isn't existing info. I think I may give it a try at some point, probably not for a few months though. I'll post a journal and bring this thread back to life to report results.


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate thats what to do. Anything i find out myself i will post on this thread. Think i may try the cut bud method with some mushroom tea. They should be in season here soon. Anyway will let you know anything i find out. Take care mate. Geo