Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

So the disclosed email that shows Hilllary instructing an underling to erase the classification before sending was not enough for you to stop that idiotic and actually meaningless defense? Feel the Bern.
It is a violation of her work agreement to have any of her emails relating to government affairs on a private server. They do not have to be marked classified. Sensitive information is sensitive information.

My husband's new job made him sign a work agreement to not export any information that was emailed to him on his work email. It is grounds for being fired and depending on the information, he could be prosecuted.

what "scandal" are you guys going to move onto next when this one turns out to be nothing, just like the rest of the pathetic ones you have tried to gin up over the course of years now?
I'm not going to speculate. That is pointless.

His Emergency manager and the people in charge of water quality are to blame for sure.

Until we have proof of knowledge on Snyder, we cannot blame him. We can be suspicious but we have to wait for evidence to damn him.
"not going to speculate" "until we have proof of knowledge"

This isn't a court of law and we aren't depriving anybody of freedom. The electorate doesn't have the power of subpoena or anything like that. We have to make decisions based upon results, which in this case is dismal. Also, an informed electorate goes over available information to help make up their mind. Again, because nobody is on trial, the standard for forming a verdict can be different. Snyder hasn't provided anything to establish that he was mislead or that there was a conspiracy to hide information from him. Quite the opposite. He released some information and held back on other e-mails. People can look at the facts and decide for themselves. When facts are withheld, we can still decide and this makes Snyder look bad.

From a pure results based standpoint, the Snyder administration failed.
From a basis of what we can know, his administration was inept in how they managed their project to reduce the cost of water to Flint.
From a perspective of judging "what Snyder knew and when", the pool of information is deliberately muddled by Snyder.

As far we can tell, Snyder has only been involved in this crisis since October 2015. But Snyder withholds earlier information also. If it were just a paper kerfluffle then I'd be like you and asking what's the big deal?

Kids, pregnant women and others were poisoned by an initiative that, if successful, Snyder would have trumpeted as his success. Instead they were poisoned, so, Snyder has to take his lumps there.

Again, its not a court of law. Its the court of public opinion. Snyder looks pretty bad right now.
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The EM was the captain. Snyder is more like the owner of the airlines with many captains under him.
Yeah ok, sure! He skirted his responsibilities and needs to answer for it.

He handed off control of the wheel to his EM/first mate? I don't know what it's called I'm not a navy man, while he was off taking care of other matters but the second there is a problem he is suppose to take full control of everything.

If my helper fucked up on the job, I have to answer to my boss (in snyders case that would be the folks of Flint). I have to correct my helper's fuck up, on my dime while he gets to go home and play with his kids. My boss rips me a new asshole then I go rip my helper a new asshole, that's the way it is...shit rolls downhill! Guess in your world responsibility is optional.

Demonized for required proof. Haha.

Am I supposed to judge someone based on feeeelings?

Look, you cannot compare Snyder to a captain. Snyder is in charge of all the state. He keeps in touch with city officials through email. From the emails they send, he makes decisions. If the city is a plane, Snyder is not on the plane. He is in the office on the ground.

If he doesn't release the earlier emails then that is certainly suspicious. We will have to see what happens.

I do care about the people of flint and I do care about the children poisoned. There will have to be reparations paid for sure. Medical expenses and injury claims.

It's gonna be bad.
Flint water concerns 'blown off' by state: Snyder staffer e-mail
Rachel Maddow reports on a newly obtained e-mail from June of 2015, confirmed by NBC News, that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder's chief-of-staff was troubled that Flint's bad water tests were not being taken seriously, part of a string of mails showing the administration's awareness of alarming lead test results even as it insisted the water was fine. Duration: 5:59

He knew!

Who am I judging? I'm here asking for information. Trying to see what 's happening and I get the third degree about my "motives".
Asking for information is a bit different from requiring proof. In any case, your source of information is the same as mine. Rather than ask for information, surprise us with something we didn't know. To the one person posting here that lives there, @since1991 , you've been mighty skeptical.