Water Frequency - 2dy vs 3dy


Active Member
Hello all. In my situation (3 gal radicle bags / 4x4 tent / soil / jacks 321), my plants require about 64 oz of nutrient water every third day. Effort of watering and time is not a factor.
My question is it better to water with the 64 oz on each third day (allowing a fuller wet to dry cycle) or keep the same ratio of overall water but back it down a bit and water every two days to maintain more of an even moisture consistency.

I ask as it seems that many seem to feel the drying cycle is beneficial. Horse a piece of better a specific way? Thanks all.

Moody Hank
I am no soil expert but have always believed dry cycle is best. Keeping it constantly damp will most likely promote stem rot, root rot, root aphids, etc. I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in.

T macc

Well-Known Member
I guess it depends how you water.

Hand watering, you would want some type of dry period. I dont like my pots to be light tho. I usually water once the soil appears dry, or the uppermost layer is dry.

Drip system, the soil is constantly moist, if the irrigation is dialed in. Not too wet, and increase the duration of the drips to compensate for root growth.

Forgot about the question lol. Check your ppms of your water. I cant tell you what numbers to aim for, for ppm; I do organic soil. Others here use the product tho


I find a moisture meter invaluable to ensure the bottom two thirds are not too wet. It's not uncommon to have bone dry on top and soggy an inch below. Just keep it seriously clean as it stabs into your medium and you don't want to shove something covered in disease into your root area.

