"Water everyday"


Well-Known Member
I was told to let the soil get dry for root expansion and only to water when it becomes dry, but now I been hearing you need to water every single day (doubt this is the case tho since mother nature doesnt work that way). Whats the best way to do this and how do I know when to water
do like u 1st heard....wait for it to dry out a bit before u water it...u want a few inches of dry soil before water it again...
As your plant gets older it will eat and drink more, and you might have to water more often, possibly everyday. But, only water when the plant needs it, not by a predefined schedule.

I always went by when the top couple inches of soil were dry, and the container the plant and soil is in feels light.
Normally i would wait 2-3 days, or when you stick your finger down an inch or so, if its dry..then i'd water.
Yeah thanks thats exactly what I have been doing, but since im running under a 600w hps didnt know if the first inch was rly reliable. Its been like 4 days so guess ill go mix up a gallon now with nutes in it. Wooooo thanks guys
I go by the weight of the pot. Wait until you see the leafs droop a little and you know the soil is nice and dry. Pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is, you don't need to put it on a scale or anything, just get an idea of how it feels. It kinda feels like the pot is filled with styro-foam. Now water your plant until you see some water coming out of the bottom. Give it 15-20 minutes if you have a catch tray and toss the left over water. Now pick up your pot and feel it's weight. Now you have an idea of when your plant needs to be watered.
2 inches being dry is not a good way to do it imo. i used it in the past when i was newer but the lift the pot method is so much easier and accurate and you dont have to go digging around the soil. heres a good summary written by 10k. i wouldnt change a word of it if you asked me to explain it myself.
[h=1]What is the "lift the pot" method?[/h]Added by: 10k

The "lift the pot" method is a widely practiced, and very accurate method of knowing when to water your container plants.

The best way imho, to know when soil grown potted plants need more watering is by checking how heavy the pots feel. This method is very simple to learn once you get the feel for how light a ready for watering pot of soil feels.

Get an equal size pot and fill it with your soil. The medium should be about as moist as a new bag of potting soil. Use this planter as a learning tool to get a rough idea of how much the pots should weigh before watering again. The pots with your plants will feel only just slightly heavier when the soil is ready for more water. Pick up one of your planted pots, if its noticably heavy, do not water it until it feels "light". Next time you water a planter, pick it up and feel how much heavier it feels compared to the sample pot of soil.

It only takes a few times picking up the pots until this skill is like a "second nature" to you. You wont even need the sample pot after you get accustomed to the lifting method.

Sure your plants are always putting on more weight as they grow larger, but once you're proficient at lifting the pots, you'll also know how to compensate for the weight of the plants with ease.

I dont know how to better explain this method of knowing when to water, but believe me, anyone who learns this method, will always know when its time to water.
like a few people already said, water when the pot is light to the touch. Don't ever let your plant completely dry out. This is stress the plant
The lift pot method is the best IMO
Once you get used to the weights its pretty simple but when your soil dries out is dependent on your environment. I can tell the exact day a plant needs to be watered in my garden but i cant in someones grow i'm not familiar with (if that makes sense)

You have to get to know your plants schedule, watch and learn from your garden. They talk....you just have to listen :]
Coincidently I hate a pot out with just soil no plant so it was a pretty good measure and they were alot lighter in comparison.
I also use the 'lift the pot' method, works great for me. After transplant, I tend to let them get just a bit drier (but of course not completely dry) IMHO this makes the roots grow searching for moisture. That way they are firmly rooted before I begin giving veg nutes.