Water delivery method question???

Low pressure drip system or fast delivery? Which is more beneficial

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Had a bit of a argument with a fellow grower on this topic. I believe it is more beneficial for a plant to receive water through a low pressure drip system. For example a halo ring with 8 drip holes flowing at 1 GPH. Opposed to hitting the plant fast say through 1/2 tubing for 30 seconds. I feel using the low pressure for a longer time allows the root zone to absorb more water instead of forcing water threw dry spots in the media (soil) What are your guys thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
8 drip holes flowing at 1 gal per hour Is a misleading statement due to a lot of things. Plant size, pot size, media your growing in, temp and humidity. One gallon per hour is rated at a certain size orifice based on the manufacturer,s testing. If I were to do either I would do the low pressure halo setup as you described. I however loath auto drip systems because there are to many variables, to many things to leak, if something goes wrong with nutes it's all ready gone to far. I know people who have them and they feel like their plants are being watered and based on the reservoir size they know it will last two days and they don't check on their plants. Get to know your plant and pay attention to it, get rid of that drip shit.


Well-Known Member
I like watering slowly. If I have time I'll pour about 25%, let it soak in for 10-20 minutes if I can. Pour half the remainder, wait 20-60 minutes. Then pour the remainder.

When people talk about drip systems, I think they're talking about a continuous drip or automatic sensor. In that case I think it would keep the soil too wet, never letting it dry out. I think that would be a problem because soil ph rises as it dries. If you don't let the soil dry between waterings it will limit the ph range the plant experiences. It would be more like an acidic soil condition.


In my situation I was using 10 gal soil pots. Pretty monster plants so I was giving each plant 1 gallon every watering. It was not a continuious drip system. It just happened to come out to a gallon of water every hour. Even though I was using a 75 GPH pump.