Water curing and decarboxylation before QWISO


Well-Known Member
So I just got all the materials needed to make some proper qwiso, thing is my ganjah is from colombia and looks kinda dirty and pressed up; So I'd like to know If I can water curer an decarbxynate or is rather the orther way around. All in all, is it possible? How'd you do it? Thank you!



Well-Known Member
ok my man you clearly have not done your research on water curing....
water curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep below above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would.

your shit is dry.... why are you trying to decarb it?!?!!? are you making edibles?????

take your dry weed grind it up pack a tube stick in freezer and blast, there I just told you how to make killer extracts

dude its from Columbia???