Water Cure

Water cures are great.
Only real cons IMO are the loss of taste, weight, and smell.

But a pro is the fact that if you wanted to be stealthy, you could mix with some pipe tobacco and completely mask the smell in public. I sometimes do this with a portion of my buds to pack into a hollowed out black n mild cigar (mixed with about 10-20% tobacco) for public smoking. ;-)
I aint sure yet, but works for dirty, infested buds. But im going to have a few folks take the "pepsi" challenge this weekend. That way i get more feedback. Bag appeal is a zero pretty much, so it aint going to the shop. But its fuckin stickier than the air cure.

Be good to know what your friends say. Think I might give this a whirl myself.
I have some curing or should I say cleaning in water also...when can says safe to spray up to harvest they're referring to fruit n veggies u wash b4 consumption ....jussayin....so stop inflamin my pleurisy!! Lol
the buds still look good. can you jar cure water cured weed? hmmm

Sorry I don't know how to link but if you go to the sticky thread 'Harvest Time a Tutorial' by fdd2blk.[Harvesting & curing] Page 185, post #1843 by NIZZA has a link to a thread on water curing in a jar.
Who would've thought?

It apparently removes much of the smell. I wonder if it's still detectable by sniffer dogs if put in oven-bags & then vacuum sealed?
Sorry I don't know how to link but if you go to the sticky thread 'Harvest Time a Tutorial' by fdd2blk.[Harvesting & curing] Page 185, post #1843 by NIZZA has a link to a thread on water curing in a jar.
Who would've thought?

It apparently removes much of the smell. I wonder if it's still detectable by sniffer dogs if put in oven-bags & then vacuum sealed?

Heres the link: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial-185.html#post9656227