Water Cooled HPS light


Well-Known Member
Umm yeah. If water hits your bulb it's instantly toast. Hell stick a thick pint glass in the oven then take it out and throw it in cold water.

But that is the beauty of the Internet you can believe whatever you want to believe and just tell anyone that disagrees with you that they are stupid. Is there medical Mary Jane in Narnia?
Werd. I'm paranoid enough the way it is. That's all I need is knowing that water is surronding my light socket. I've seen them before, but no thanks... If they could make a gas cooled system that might be cool. Basically like A/C only on a much smaller scale.

Honestly fans sucking through a cool tube is probably the best way. You're killing two birds with one stone. Cooling, and desmellerizing with the carbonfilter.


Well-Known Member
Werd. I'm paranoid enough the way it is. That's all I need is knowing that water is surronding my light socket. I've seen them before, but no thanks... If they could make a gas cooled system that might be cool. Basically like A/C only on a much smaller scale.

Honestly fans sucking through a cool tube is probably the best way. You're killing two birds with one stone. Cooling, and desmellerizing with the carbonfilter.
Gas Cooled System?

Like a A/C but on a smaller scale?


What happened to the world?


Well-Known Member
Your mom fucked up the abortion?

You have no friends so you come on here spamming looking for some?

I will never see you again so suck on my knob faggot?



Well-Known Member
Your mom fucked up the abortion?

You have no friends so you come on here spamming looking for some?

I will never see you again so suck on my knob faggot?

Thats usually what people say when they realize they are fuckin retarded and cant think of anything clever to say, sorry I dont go around making up words.

And no the abortion didn't take, big deal.

Yea I totally spend all my time here, 996 post over three years. That comes out to a average of .03 post per hour, I really must have no life and no friends and spend all my time spamming looking for some?

I should have expected this type of genius from you, what was I thinking?


Active Member
Look, You motherfuckers have crowded up the whole God Damn fucking Galaxy with alien guano and light years of hose, had the shit stuck in my mastibatular exhaust module... Double Fuck all ya'll, im heading into a new dimension, one close to a black hole or on the border of another dimension, that way I can just chuck my fucking plants into a new world or time... fucking pigs havnt figured out how to follow space weed through dimensions and time have they?... I can just put a string on them so I can find them later, any one suggest a good string that wont melt from all the heat travelling at mach whatthefuckever,,, hey maybe if I water cooled it!! yea ,, thats the fucking ticket!


Active Member
I acually just found a post for water cooling HPS lights, the post was refering to how dangerous it can be if not done right. People were talking about how your bulb can explode if water hits it which could be true but pretty much means theres a leak in the fixture of some sort or if there is no water flo to the fixture it and bubbles form it can explode... anybody that experiences these problems should probably stick to air cooling until they do their research before entering into the world of water cooling. I personaly dont believe that hype because the bulb in a system that has water flo wont be hot enough to explode if water hits it but it would have to completely fill with water to preset any real danger ( in my opinion ) I mean when you have your HPS light hanging above your plants, does it explode if a drop of water hits the bulb when its really hot? I've never herd of such a thing. People used to say something similar when I told them I water cool my computer haha they said my computer would explode or short circuit if anything leaks, All those kind of speculations are from people that have no Idea what they are talking about and are to scared to try something that sounds to extreme for them to comprehend ^.^

Everybody that posted on that thread also dont have a radiator running on their system, they just run it to a huge reservoir, this is what not to do.
same cats that think CO2 canisters are going to EXPLODE into a ball of flames! I’m not an electrician but i’ve made my share of stone mistakes. Filling the res, got baked forgot, went OUT for 6 HOURS came back to a flooded basement!! only thing that happened was it tripped the Kill Switch in the power box and i had to send in one ballast for repair.

imho worst case, a bulb blows up due to let’s say a leak in the hood, bulb contacts water blows up, water gets in, shorts one ballast, kills the power in your main, (maybe floods your house)


Active Member
in the op's first post, he talks about putting a 1000w hps inch's from the plants tops.... well, you dont want to do that, or you will get light bleaching on the tops. ideally, i keep my 1000's about 16" + inch's from the plants.