water consumption/potential shortage

chaz brady

New Member
hey all, i'm in the process of getting settled in a new house which I plan on growing in. i've laid out the space and am midway thru construction of the rooms (veg & flower) i was going to go with 6 1000 watt gavita e series based on reports of their performance. doing between 4-5 plants per light and filling up a space thats 180' sq... this is a huge amount of initial investment and would be a grow that would need to work... the other day i was meeting one of my neighbors and he asked me if i had had any water supply problems yet. it's one of the wettest times of the year in this region so obviously i hadn't. the previous owner although not a farmer was never a conservationist and never mentioned to me the chance that sometime in the heat of summer it would be a possibility that the well may run dry.. its a little late to be finding this info out but its got me curious.. whats the average consumption/day on a 6000 watt room additionally the 1000 i would use for vegging? i've got to make a move and i wonder if itll pan out or if i just fucked up bigtime by not knowing the finer details of the property


Well-Known Member
It depends. If your room is sealed and you use dehumidifiers and a mini split you will be getting a lot of that water back. If you pump back into your res you should save 15 or so gallons a day. Good rule of thumb.. If your canopy is full.. Each light should be getting about 8-10 gallons every 48 hours . 30 gallons per day for flower room. Maybe a third or half for veg. Make sure you test that well water before using it. Some well water is great for cannabis, some is not so great

chaz brady

New Member
thanks for the info. i've been considering possibly going with a more hodgepodge setup which would be much more economical from the getgo but i was thinking to get the size mini split initially that would be capable of covering a 6K watt canopy (24000 BTU's) is what's recommended i think. what should i be looking for in my well water as possible issues/ benefits?


Well-Known Member
Use a PPM meter to test the water. My city water is around 300 PPM. I try to use rainwater when I can. It is least than 50 PPM.


Well-Known Member
QuotE="chaz brady, post: 11490718, member: 897298"]thanks for the info. i've been considering possibly going with a more hodgepodge setup which would be much more economical from the getgo but i was thinking to get the size mini split initially that would be capable of covering a 6K watt canopy (24000 BTU's) is what's recommended i think. what should i be looking for in my well water as possible issues/ benefits?[/QUOTE]
You need a 3 ton mini for 6k. Water depends on the size of your buckets. In full bloom my 2 gallon buckets hydro setup use a 55 gallon res in 5 days with 14-16 sites.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="chaz brady, post: 11503508, member: 8]okay so the consumption shouldn't be more than 15 gal/day no matter what. thats not that much i don't think i'll have an issue.


thats not what these guys say![/QUOTE]
Report back after you buy the 2 ton and I bet youll wish you got the 3 ton.