Water consumption. How much water do your plants drink?

I started my first hydro grow with an ebb and flow rail system. I've completed 5 weeks in the system so far: 4 weeks of veg and finishing up the first week of flowering. All the plants are healthier than ever!

So, how much water do your plants drink? I check the water level every day, and usually i have to add at least 2 gallons and sometimes 3 gallons every 2 days....so the plants are soaking up about a gallon a day. If i leave the system running during the entire light cycle I have to add 3 gallons every 2 days. Otherwise I'll water it for an hour every 3 hours. I have aerator stones, so I'm not worried about drowning them, plus they are all healthy, so over watering isn't a problem.

Are these plants just insanely thirsty, or am I losing a lot of water due to evaporation? The temperature in the room usually hovers between 80 and 88 degrees F, and the humidity is around 50%.
2012-08-03 18.39.00.jpg

Here's a pic I took about 2 hours ago. 3 in the front are white widow, the back left is purple haze, and the tall one on the back right is Kandy Kush


Active Member
In late flower my 15 plants take 10-15 gallons a day.
Are you fucking with me...... every day. I am new to hydro and running a 27 plant table (flood n drain) and my res only holds 100L (about 30 gallon). Your telling me they are gonna gulp almost half that every day in late flower. I am only vegging 1 wk from clone.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking with me...... every day. I am new to hydro and running a 27 plant table (flood n drain) and my res only holds 100L (about 30 gallon). Your telling me they are gonna gulp almost half that every day in late flower. I am only vegging 1 wk from clone.
I wouldn't fuck with you about that. I veg longer then that but under T5's right now. So my finish size is 3-4 feet tall.


Active Member
I too am new to hydro and I can confirm, these mother fuckers drink a good 1-2 gallons a day easy. I really noticed it first week of flower. Plants are like 2-3 feet and bushy. So They are on the large side, but I am amazed at the amount of water they uptake. its crazy:)


Well-Known Member
3x3 table sog, between 2.5 and 5 gal a day, unless they are sick which does happen occasionally.
2012-07-17 17.57.08.jpg2012-08-10 18.32.27.jpg2012-08-10 18.32.14.jpg2012-08-10 18.32.00.jpg2012-08-10 18.07.40.jpg2012-08-10 18.05.20.jpg

The first pic is the start of week 2 in the hydro unit. The next 5 I took today. These are now about to complete their 2nd week of flowering. No buds yet, but the plants have doubled in size since I first switched over to 12/12 lighting.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, but the canopy could be a little more even.
Try to take clones evenly and take 2x the amount you need so you can pick the best ones , but you probably already knew that.