Water Clones ISSUES

I've witnessed this many a time before, maybe someone on RIU can explain this phenomenon.

Cut 3 clones, Sour Diesel. Placed into water cups, tap water dechlorinated and pHed to 5.5

tips were all relatively straight when I dropped into water, and two days later, two out of three have hooked or bent tips underwater. essentially the cut end of the clones are "swimming" around in the water.

cut ends are still under water, despite hooking. seems like they bend all over under the water, different directions whenever they feel like it.

wish I had a real camera, I'd be happy to take some pics. Hopefully my description will be enough, it seems to be a common thing with water cloning, I just want to see if there is any negative impact, or a way to avoid it.

and another issue maybe. center of top most cluster on all three clones have gone more yellow then when cut. it is sour diesel, and I did have a micro nute deficiency a few weeks ago. I dont think they are photosynthesizing, under household cfl lighting 24/0, really far away from bulbs like my usual. The clones were all cut at day 6/7 of flower, and N feedings were cut at flip.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I notice this on a couple of your average hybrid strains.It is when the stems are in low dissolved oxygen water.I figure it is the result of hampered internal osmonic processes.I do not know if oxygen uptakes thru the cut but will see it happen sometimes in aerated water but not often.
I wonder if it has to do with location that the cut was taken and wether green or more woody of a cut?
I notice this on a couple of your average hybrid strains.It is when the stems are in low dissolved oxygen water.I figure it is the result of hampered internal osmonic processes.I do not know if oxygen uptakes thru the cut but will see it happen sometimes in aerated water but not often.
I wonder if it has to do with location that the cut was taken and wether green or more woody of a cut?
thanks for response, that actually makes a little sense. water was aerated to dissolve chlorine for 5 or so hours before I pHed it and plopped clones in. maybe ill change the water with some bottled. I know pH cant really be an issue since there are no roots yet, so ill keep changing the water.
the rooting tips have slowed down their dance in the water, or stopped playing water polo. or whatever. I changed to deer park this am, hopefully that will stabilize my menage a little. gotta stop futzing with these girls eventually, I hate when I have to continuously check and change things over and over, never works out well. I will be basing all my future cloning on these results, as I have never dug the gel and stick into cube method.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I am too lazy to change water every day(cause of stem dance imho) for the cup method.I did the dome and Rockwool cube thing.
I tried a dwc raft cloner,and never looked back.I get clones rooted and ready for transplant in 2 wks with 90% succes rate.
There are tutorials out there,and I like 75-80*F res temps,with 1-2(excede no more than this) drops of bleach per gal of water to keep baddies down.All aerated and heated 18" away from a 13 watt 6500k cfl for first 3 days of 18/6.Then 2 23w 6500k cfl lowered to about 5-8" inches above canopy.Thanks to a RIU members that fancies currency I now do not trim back the clones top leafset canopy for root explosion results.
I am too lazy to change water every day(cause of stem dance imho) for the cup method.I did the dome and Rockwool cube thing.
I tried a dwc raft cloner,and never looked back.I get clones rooted and ready for transplant in 2 wks with 90% succes rate.
There are tutorials out there,and I like 75-80*F res temps,with 1-2(excede no more than this) drops of bleach per gal of water to keep baddies down.All aerated and heated 18" away from a 13 watt 6500k cfl for first 3 days of 18/6.Then 2 23w 6500k cfl lowered to about 5-8" inches above canopy.Thanks to a RIU members that fancies currency I now do not trim back the clones top leafset canopy for root explosion results.
yea Im trying to build a dwc/bubbler system out of spare crap pretty soon, but these were just cut and placed into cups, not sure how to save them now. I am considering tossing them into the dirt I have ready for them, without visible roots. They are definitely using up the leftover sugars in the leaves, going yellow in center. I started foliar with big bloom and seaweed, they are definitely better looking as a result. still no roots 8 days in.
Clones all failed. Epic fail. So I am officially giving up on water cloning, my tap water must be awful suspect or something. Gonna reveg the Sour Mom, and reclone everything in veg, into rapid rooters. They actually work.