Water Chiller


Well-Known Member
Water chillers can also be used for cooling ambient air temps, you're saying?...Sorry, just trying to make sure I'm understanding you correctly! I literally just purchased a 350$ AC unit for my basement as summer is coming...kind of making me wish that I had gone the chiller route now if that is what you're saying, lol. As far as your plant's root goes, I think the difference from pearly white roots to darker colored roots like your's is simply from either the line of nutes you've used or from the strength of nutes used...for example, my early veggy plant's roots are damn near shining white because their water only has a couple hundred ppm's max. But after a few weeks in late veg/pre flower, the roots have darkened tint to them.
That's correct. Think if a water chiller and water cooled air handler as components of a mini split, only using water as the heat transfer medium. Now you can reconfigure your setup anytime without the hassle of refrigerant issues.

You can vary the water temperature to adjust the RH in your room. You plug there WCAH into a thermostat to control temperature and the RH just happens automatically. Capture and reuse all that distilled water!