watching my 12 new baby girls

first off I'd like to say thank you to subcooland Bud feverand everybody else who helped me set up my firrst room its still not done but now i have to tennd to my garfen i have twelve ne girls in my life i startrf germanating them and they all poped i have 4girl scout cookied I also have 4 green crack 3 green martiansand 1 jack herera i think itd called i have some pictures to podt now i have questions like nutes and stuff a freind gave me a shit load of super soil and i have 4 in a hydro bucket so any info is helpful:lol:



Well-Known Member
no nutes is good nutes for you my friend. not for a while, if at all. supersoil is meant to last for the whole grow with no addatives besides water. i cant comment on hydro grows. i only grow in soil.


Well-Known Member
yer as danny sed usually no nuts for bout 3 weeks as soil will have enuff for time being....your plants will usually tell u brooo