Watch Judge Hand Down Life Sentence - Messed UP!


Well-Known Member
"There was not a plane of her body that was spared, save the soles of her feet," Gordon said.

They get what they deserve.

But I think its(possibly!) unfair to talk shit about their parents. I don't think there is anything my son could do that would make me not stand by his side. I feel for the parents. You love your child but they did something so horrible....must be very difficult to be in that situation, as a parent.


Well-Known Member
We all make choices in our lives that can affect the farthest reaches of our future...

Sucks for them, but what sucks more is the 3 year old baby that has no life at all thanks to them.

Mmmm, how wonderful it is to be FREE... :)


Well-Known Member
Smoke a bowl then watch this with your headphones on or the volume up...the way the judge hands down the sentence is SO unemotional and robotic it makes me sick. Then all Hell breaks loose and everybody is screaming. SCARY shit though man...that's like my worst fear in the world.
Make sure you smoke before you watch it - it's like so serious it will blow your mind

edit: I can NOT get this thing to embed videos!
You're a fuckin idiot. quit smoking weed immediately. you've obviously never seen someone actually act as if they have no soul. u know who has no soul? those fucking stupid bitches crying over punishment for abusing their child to death. i had a half brother i never met die the same way. i hope those cunts rot.