Waste not want not ...

Why play the persistent troll, don't you wanna get along with the rest of us kids? Look, if it's COCK you are after I can probably help you along with a few choice pics.
($4 each, 3-for-$10.)
it sounded like bloublbklou.bolwblolw

bit like dat sun
Why play the persistent troll, don't you wanna get along with the rest of us kids?
I watched, he wasn't trollin whatsoever.

Then one of his detractors visually assaulted him, with something personal, so he went on the offense a bit.

My family had a dog we swatted and kicked.

We mostly kicked it when we were bored and tired. It grew into a tradition and most everyone joined in. We woke up one morning and that dog had I gnawed all of our toes off. Now all my family has prosthetic toes that we keep our weed, hash, antacid and gummy bears in.
I watched, he wasn't trollin whatsoever.

Then one of his detractors visually assaulted him, with something personal, so he went on the offense a bit.

My family had a dog we swatted and kicked.

We mostly kicked it when we were bored and tired. It grew into a tradition and most everyone joined in. We woke up one morning and that dog had I gnawed all of our toes off. Now all my family has prosthetic toes that we keep our weed, hash, antacid and gummy bears in.

yea i eat toes ha ha !!! so watch it !!

you spelt 'detractors' wrong abe ..... dicktractors :)