washington Early Misty first Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Hey what up guys. This my first grow ever. Outdoors with early misty strain from nirvana seeds. And some mazar's that i got for free as well. Oldest one sprouted about 9 days ago. They are all looking pretty healthy. Using fox farms happy frog soil and then gunne be applying some earth juice grow when they are ready. :) Tell what you guys think !!! They lookin good ??? I'll be updating peictures at least a couple times a week. I check up on them pretty often ;)

Here's My two Biggest ones :hump:





Well-Known Member
hi mate hope you dont mind if i watch! i've got some early misty going outdoors too but i'm in ireland so i don't know if mine will even grow! (hope so) good luck with your's anyway!


Active Member
Looking Pretty good so far i think :). The tip of one is turning a little yellow but i'll just wait it out and see if it grows . Some are staying pretty small and some are growing good.

Well here are some pics. I would love some feedback on how they are looking.


K. McCronic

Your plants look about the same as mine. I'm a first time grower with Early Misty's on the 'grow too, except I live in Canada. I planted them at the beginning of May but had to keep bringing them in because of the cold temps and frost warnings. When did you plant yours? Lookin' good, man


Active Member
I planeted mine around the same time. Oldest ones sprouted on May 12th the rest on the 16th. Been outside since they sprouted. Been having some really nice warm weather here lately. A little rains at the beginning but just covered them and they did. Fine. I get pics almost every day so i'll be postin up how there doin alot. :)

So excited as this is my first grow !!! I just really hope i can make it to harvest with at leasst 3 females. O yeah and about half of my plants are Early Misty and the other half are Mazaar I Shariff.


you got some good strains and from what i saw there looking great man. im throwing mine outside very soon so ill be watchin you journal as you go on see how yours are doin and maybe trade some info of the things were doin. check out my grow dude


Active Member
Thanks for watchin guys !! I Will most definantly need the help along the way.
I'll definantyl be checking out your grow !


Active Member
Transplanted another plant into a lrager pot today.

Plants looking good. I can tell growth is starting to pick up. The leaves are starting to yellow slightly on my oldest one. Might be starting nutes next week.

Well heres some pics :)

The last 2 are of the one i trasplanted today. It's a lil droppy right now cause i over watered it on accident :evil:.



LOOKING REALLY GOOD MAN are you just leaving them out during daylight hours or what? yea i wanna do that but i cant exactly because i live in town. i have a place for mine about halfhour drive from where i live so the only time theyll get outside sun and air is when i transplant which kinda sucks id like to leave them outside for at least for an hour or so a day.keep it up. i updated some new pics as well


Active Member
Thanks man !!! Yeah i leave mine out all day and night. I got there today to check on them and 2 little runt seedlings were dead so i tossed those. And one decent sized plant's lowere round leaves are turning yellow and looking weak. The soil seemed very very very dry so i watered it. Hopefully tomorrow it will perked right back up !!!. My four big ones are looking great however :)) Just fed them there first dose of diluted Earth Juice Grow nutes today as they are a lil over 2 weeks now. Just a teaspoon per gallon of water for now. Leaves starting to yellow and just thought it's about time now.

Heres some pics from today :)



yea man totally, i started giving mine nutes around the same time they love it. just yea keep it diluted for awhile too much can kill. but still lookin good


Active Member
Yeah i got some Earth Juice Nutesa too and i hearn that its quite hard to burn with them but i will most definantly be carefull. Only giving them nutes when they tell me they want them.

Man are the plants lookin great !!!! The ones that survived that is. Down to only five plants after starting with 11 i think. The mazar's are starting to give off that "Scent". Ahhhhhh. All plants looking very healthy. Gunna take some clones soon when i top them at the end of the month i think. idk. I want to make sure the clones have enough time to grow big enough before flowering induces.

Anyways..Heres some pics from today :)



Well-Known Member
hi mate hope you dont mind if i watch! i've got some early misty going outdoors too but i'm in ireland so i don't know if mine will even grow! (hope so) good luck with your's anyway!
try sum autoflowering strains they will groww any where even way up north:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yes i am growing in washington state. Puget Sound Western washington area.
LoL guessing your not growing in the sound. My kid was over in the buckley area said the weather was friggin great. I lived in grays harbor for three years and saw the sun twice. over on the other side of the mountain now only see rain twice a year now.


Active Member
Yeah,. The weather has been amazing lately !!!!!!!!!!!!! Clear sky's bright sun nice 80's weather. Ahhhhhh. Perfect. My plants could use a little rain though right now :).