washing machine ice water hash

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
so im about to become the proud owner of a mini portable washing machine and 220micron full mesh zip bag.

I've made quite a bit of ice water hash over the last couple years, usually I use a drum stick to agitate the mix for my first run then for my second I use a paint mixer in a cordless drill.

anyone got any hints/tips/tricks they'd like to share with me, stuff they realised after a few runs? Maybe something they wish they knew before? Anything really. Once I get it set up and run some Il post some pix as well as a walk through what I did.

thanks guys
so im about to become the proud owner of a mini portable washing machine and 220micron full mesh zip bag.

I've made quite a bit of ice water hash over the last couple years, usually I use a drum stick to agitate the mix for my first run then for my second I use a paint mixer in a cordless drill.

anyone got any hints/tips/tricks they'd like to share with me, stuff they realised after a few runs? Maybe something they wish they knew before? Anything really. Once I get it set up and run some Il post some pix as well as a walk through what I did.

thanks guys
Check out bubblemans videos on YouTube for bubble hash, I had been putting my material in bag without ice and getting shitty returns. Put material AND ice in bag to agitate the trichomes. Big difference, good luck
yeah I've seen them bro, when I did my first ever run I only put ice in the bag and none outside the bag, now I do both