Was this LSA or LSD?


This was my first time taking lsd or what i thought was lsd.... I bought 2 tabs for $20 and took them the next day. The trip: I had pretty intense visuals, things where moving and warping.... I had intense closed eye visuals.
the body high was great i felt happy and bubbly... but the strange thing about it was i got really sick the first hour of ingestion which i heard was only suppose to happen if you took lsa.

I had massive open eye and closed eye visuals but i thought i was going to have a bad trip the first hour in... I was really scared and threw up several times.
Once the sickness ended i felt great and the trip got better and better as it went along. it lasted about 15 hours, it was really powerful stuff!


edit: if you need to know more just ask!


Well-Known Member
I'd say throwing up from lsd is rare, but being a first time, your body could just have been trying to protect itself as it sensed the magnitude of the changes happening.


Each tab where less then half the size of a dime, I took 2 and tripped really harddddd. if im going to do that again Im going to only do 1 tab and place it under my tongue to help protect my stomach.

Anc> Yea thats what i thought. I heard lsa gives you bad stomach pains so thats what kinda got me thinking..

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Can't help you without specific measurements. LOL LSD tablets are about the size of a pinhead though... This a good picture of them.



the tab was the size of about 5 pinheads, It was a very small tab, I've seen tabs online and mine was way smaller then most.


Yes that would be the correct term that i have yet to mention, which would have probably helped. lol

they where the same size as whats in the pic.

^ahh not tabs im stupid *facepalm*


tbh i don't really care if it was lsa.. a trips a trip and i had fun! I just don't like the start....
I hope placing it under my tongue will help.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry i know this has nothing to do with this thread but Lucy in the sky with diamonds i finally got it LSD


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry i know this has nothing to do with this thread but Lucy in the sky with diamonds i finally got it LSD
coincidence? yeah pretty much.

I always prefered the name sydney or syd. you know like acid-cidney-cid but lucy is known slang, so people know what your talking about..


Well-Known Member
Made one for lsa since this thread is named lsa-lsd


LSA lynyard skynyrd is awsome lol.