Was having an arguement with a buddy


Well-Known Member
and we were wondering how much a plant would yeild on average i know there is alot to take into play. but he was say average is 7 grams dry... to me that seems fairly low lol and that it would be one unhappy plant? what you guys think


New Member
If i were to get 7gms from anything but a stunted auto, I would hang up my gardening shovel. Your buddy been smokkin dat dank shit! My last grow got me close to 120 gms with just 2 plants. There are plants that yield upwards of 10#. Tons of pics everywhere.


Well-Known Member
thank you i dont feel like the moron now lmao i said that for my first time if i got an O per plant i would be happy just cause its my first grow and he went off about how each plant only grows 7gs and was telling me how stupid i am lmao!!!!!


Well-Known Member
and we were wondering how much a plant would yeild on average i know there is alot to take into play. but he was say average is 7 grams dry... to me that seems fairly low lol and that it would be one unhappy plant? what you guys think
How long is a piece of string? Bro ,how long are you vegging? indoor or out? experienced? lights? could be 3grams could be 3lb.


Well-Known Member
a good average estimate for a first timer can be between 7-28 grams however after that first time id say 2-4 ounces per plant is respectable ofcourse you can grow a tree and tell me im wrong but im assuming good conditions and a reasonable sized plant/grow time


Well-Known Member
lol he was saying in general so it would be an experienced grower hes dumb and i thought it was funny
How long is a piece of string? Bro ,how long are you vegging? indoor or out? experienced? lights? could be 3grams could be 3lb.
a good average estimate for a first timer can be between 7-28 grams however after that first time id say 2-4 ounces per plant is respectable ofcourse you can grow a tree and tell me im wrong but im assuming good conditions and a reasonable sized plant/grow time


Well-Known Member
7 grams is the yeild id expect from, sitting in the woods burning one, u find a seed toss it, and u mistakenly stumble upon in the fall and realize hey that seed i chucked actually grew, so its a girl and u harvest it, and even then u would most likely have more than 7 g, so ur friends tlking outta his ass, u run into this with lots of ppl in life, and its rele not worth it to prove ur point, so u go back and say"see i told u its more than that" and then what, ur right he's wrong and u both keep living, so u got all mad at him. probably stormed into ur house got rite on the computer and asked us, heres my question, u were both so sure that u both were right, but u obviously werent too sure because u came here for reassurance, but before asking the forum u probably wouldve argued to the death that the yeild is more than 7 grams average without knowing for sure, so here we have 2 ppl argueing a situation that neither have enough knowledge on to even make a point, and yet u both are trying to convince eachother ur the only rite one, u shouldve just let him think that, bc when it comes time to harvest and he has alot more that 7 g per plant, its gonna make his year, i must know thow, what did u gain in this dispute/arguement, u both now know u get more than 7g per plant, which couldve been found out without the bickering, if something doesnt sound rite u shouldnt completely disregard it, but rather question in it, its good to question, it all comes down to if ur able to think outside the box, if not u will live ur life in a box, some ppl will live there life in their box forever even when given evidence showing otherwise but they ignore it. for instance there are ppl who believe earth is still the center of the solar system. Arguements are about comprimise, or rather debate i should say, which is imo one of the reasons our govt isnt to well, no1 wants to comprimise, theres only one rite way, oh well thats a different discussion, just remember every1 has something to bring to the table even if its just the napkins


Well-Known Member
Dude i prob throw that amount away in fluffy bottom buds that i can't be bothered to prune up,When i first started i got about 2/3 oz per plant.But then i got in with a top grower,who showed me the way now i out grow him,something has simple has a ec trunchen and not doing too many per light was all i was doing wrong.I do 2 plants per 6oo hps light,also hydroponics are the only way to get big amounts evertime.After all we all risk our necks doing what we do so might has well get the best you can,the min i get of 4 plants is 32 oz but most of the time i get 9oz per plant dry...............tyke....................................................................................


Well-Known Member
it goes by square feet/meters. a heavy producer will yield 400-500g per square meter. read the seed sites


Well-Known Member
misinformation and cannabis growing seem to go hand in hand.
7 grams per plant is pathetic lol
A plant could yield anywhere between 0 grams to 4000+ grams depending on how you grow it.
the 4000+ grams assumes your growing in a "sweet spot" with near equitorial climate, good weather and proper soil ammendments


Well-Known Member
misinformation and cannabis growing seem to go hand in hand.
7 grams per plant is pathetic lol
A plant could yield anywhere between 0 grams to 4000+ grams depending on how you grow it.
the 4000+ grams assumes your growing in a "sweet spot" with near equitorial climate, good weather and proper soil ammendments
and a sativa, of course..........
i had auto northern lights that hardly grew,but i kept her growing just to see what i got aqnd ended up with 12g dry,maybe it was non grower

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Determining average yield per plant is easy. Just take all the plants that have ever been grown in human history, and divide that number into the total yield from all of them.