Warning! Urine is not a substitue for ferilizer!

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Well-Known Member
yeah but that doesnt explain why the middies iv smoked like 10 yrs ago burned black ash and smelled like piss...
When water curing is done improperly, which in most cases it is when it's an inexperienced homegrower, the end product gets a urea smell to it.

Tap water instead of RO water and not replacing the water with clean water.

Edit: Or growers rushing to move product.


Well-Known Member
no and go ahead and report me ur advocating piss and then turning it into a urea debate which i have no problems with but i personally dotn like inorganics
Obviously, you have an issue with urine, and I never should have attempted to provide a more balanced perspective in your thread, but why should the content of my ideas earn me this kind of harassment?

Posting a harassing message on my profile goes too far. Do I go to your profile page and make harassing posts?

Unlike you, I have been civil. I'm asking you a third time. Please remove your mis-quote and my name from your signature.


Well-Known Member
When water curing is done improperly, which in most cases it is when it's an inexperienced homegrower, the end product gets a urea smell to it.

Tap water instead of RO water and not replacing the water with clean water.
it was this puerto rican from my block he said he used cat piss u never heard that? all the puerto ricans swear by it. u guys are all prolly from cali so u probably have no idea what mids are lol.


Well-Known Member
it was this puerto rican from my block he said he used cat piss u never heard that? all the puerto ricans swear by it. u guys are all prolly from cali so u probably have no idea what mids are lol.
trust me their was no water curing. i feel like hash woudl be better or just kief i dotn have alot of space


Well-Known Member
quit being a vag i already id it i dont know why u have to cry about something u did post after all. and im onyl doin it because a nother user petitioned me so thank him

Richard Smith

Active Member
This thread is amazing.. ive laughed out loud several times whilst being educated, thank you all for this information.
Seriously though.. i wouldnt piss on my plants.. not couse its potentionly bad... just out of principal.


Well-Known Member
it was this puerto rican from my block he said he used cat piss u never heard that? all the puerto ricans swear by it. u guys are all prolly from cali so u probably have no idea what mids are lol.
There are strains that intentionally smell like cat piss, the strain CAT PISS for example. Adding "puerto ricans swear by it" puts you on my shit list now kid. I am from cali and I know exactly what mids are, if you think it's a strain you're as ignorant as you come off.

Again, NO, what you put into the soil aroma wise does NOT come off in your buds.. otherwise you'd have a ton of threads and products that do exactly that, make your buds taste like something else. You DO NOT add strawberries to the soil to get strawberry flavored smoke.


Well-Known Member
Adding "puerto ricans swear by it" puts you on my shit list now kid. I am from cali and I know exactly what mids are, if you think it's a strain you're as ignorant as you come off.
That goes double for me. My father is Puerto Rican.


Well-Known Member
There are strains that intentionally smell like cat piss, the strain CAT PISS for example. Adding "puerto ricans swear by it" puts you on my shit list now kid. I am from cali and I know exactly what mids are, if you think it's a strain you're as ignorant as you come off.

Again, NO what you put into the soil aroma wise does NOT come off in your buds.. otherwise you'd have a ton of threads and products that do exactly that, make your buds taste like something else. You DO NOT add strawberries to the soil to get strawberry flavored smoke.
that correct u woudlnt use strawberries ud use STRAWBERRY EXTRACT to get flavored smoke. i swear it works. try it. its better than piss. but one mans piss is anothers strawberries...lol. oh am i on your shit list? when did i think waht was strains? I sorry me too dumb for smart talk? where for i say strain is? every peurto rican grow uop iv been to nt eh 90's say i usee cat piss longgeee timeee makeee good bud for more smart making!


Well-Known Member
that correct u woudlnt use strawberries ud use STRAWBERRY EXTRACT to get flavored smoke. i swear it works. try it. its better than piss. but one mans piss is anothers strawberries...lol. oh am i on your shit list? when did i think waht was strains? I sorry me too dumb for smart talk? where for i say strain is? every peurto rican grow uop iv been to nt eh 90's say i usee cat piss longgeee timeee makeee good bud for more smart making!
Dude, you're a moron, clearly your mother and father are brother and sister as well.

I'm done here, there no point in arguing with ignorance. I seriously hope this kid doesn't spawn more of himself.

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