Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt, but when i got my wisdom teeth out i found a way to smoke and not get dry socket. it's the muscle contortion of "sucking" on a cigg or straw or j that fucks you up. what i did was wad little balls of damp paper towels into my cheeks until it was hard to talk. then i carefully smoked my shit. i used a bong whenever possible. basically the paper towels made it really difficult to make that "suck face". on the other hand i could have just been really lucky. i also had the water cannon syringe thingy that you blast food particles out with. none of my friends got that thing and they all got dry socket.


RIU Bulldog
wont hurt because there going to knock you the fuck out. then there going to give you shits loads of that lovely drug, hydrocodone or something very similiar. you my friend are going to be in drugged up misery for a while. i had mine taken out when i was about 16. youll be fine, just DONT SMOKE until your FULLY healed. trust me.
For the record, I wasn't knocked out for the procedure. The gave me novacain and quite literally broke my teeth out with a medical grade titanium chizle and hammer.
The ones that they couldn't pull out by force, they broke and pulled out peice by peice. First day isn't that bad. It's the next day that SSS-UUU-CCC-KKK-SSS.
Smoking is a no-no. Pretty good idea to have some tincture on hand cause your gonna want the pain relief but it hurts more to smoke.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I wasn't knocked out for the procedure. The gave me novacain and quite literally broke my teeth out with a medical grade titanium chizle and hammer.
The ones that they couldn't pull out by force, they broke and pulled out peice by peice. First day isn't that bad. It's the next day that SSS-UUU-CCC-KKK-SSS.
Smoking is a no-no. Pretty good idea to have some tincture on hand cause your gonna want the pain relief but it hurts more to smoke.
i was. friend brought me. remembering seeing the dentist. then i remember waking up at home.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i'm not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt, but when i got my wisdom teeth out i found a way to smoke and not get dry socket. it's the muscle contortion of "sucking" on a cigg or straw or j that fucks you up. what i did was wad little balls of damp paper towels into my cheeks until it was hard to talk. then i carefully smoked my shit. i used a bong whenever possible. basically the paper towels made it really difficult to make that "suck face". on the other hand i could have just been really lucky. i also had the water cannon syringe thingy that you blast food particles out with. none of my friends got that thing and they all got dry socket.
i still smoked my weed..but you gotta kinda wrap your toungue around to cover the holes from the surgery...as long as you dont get smoke in the cuts yur ok....its kinda awkward..but not being high is far more awkward lol


Well-Known Member
Too bad there aren't weed pills.
Make an extract with alcohol. Put your weed broken up in the alc, let it sit in the fridge capped overnight or so, put it in a shallow dish to let the alc evaporate. Scrape the goo and put it in an empty gel cap. Problem solved.

Edit: Also, could always take nose hits :blsmoke: